US sequester What is it? It depends - it might be good or bad depending on your post (1 Viewer)


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 04:06
Oct 22, 2009
President's sequester was put in place so the question about the budget didn't have to be brought up during the election.
Well, the voters didn't get to comment on it in 2012 - but now that it is 2013 - you can weight in! :banghead:
Typical American Politics - we can't allow the cuts to include waste, fraud, abuse, obsolete or logical budget items. It must be a layoff of Transportation, Food, Military, and education. Here are a few cartoons to get the can kicked down the road of ruin. Enjoy the political explosion and keep a good attitude and remember the wise words: - "What difference Does It Make? - Mrs Clinton


Steve R.

Local time
Today, 06:06
Jul 5, 2006
Typical American Politics - we can't allow the cuts to include waste, fraud, abuse, obsolete or logical budget items. It must be a layoff of Transportation, Food, Military, and education.
A new budget for the US is due by September 30, 2013 which will soon (actually late) re-start this whole sequester controversy all over again.

What I have found to be particularly disturbing has been the (absurd) claim by the administration that reductions to deficit spending can be partially achieved by addressing: "waste, fraud, abuse, obsolete or logical budget items". If you think about it, the administration is not doing its job by reducing these expenses as a normal accounting practice. Basically any administration, that does not attack these unwarranted expenses, is incompetent. Too bad the mainstream media refuses to present this incompetence to the American public and point-the-finger-of-blame at the Obama administration.

Back in February Obama gave his sequester financial Armageddon speech. Time has since passed. Since that absurd very un-presidential spreading of fear and hysteria; the economy has not crashed and unemployment has not soared. Obama has misleadingly cried wolf. Given Obama's blatant inaccuracies, the mainstream media fails to question Obama's competency.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 05:06
Feb 28, 2001
I work in a government office. We had sequestration, which in our case meant that the civil servants had to take a given number of days without pay (but they didn't have to work on those days.) The contractors, because their money comes from a different source that cannot be cut in mid-stream, pretty much kept things running on days when the civil servants were out. We had a couple of senior civil service guys acting as "officer on watch" so that if a decision was needed, someone was there to make it, but the rest of the civil service staff was out.

So now, we have reduced the budget through the enforced furloughs of one day per week for several weeks and now it is back to normal. Ho, hum.


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 04:06
Oct 22, 2009
It is official, see video Obama refuses to discuss the matter, Congress should not represent the voters... just do what he wants. When ever he starts a sentence with "The problem is ..." we know the working class can bend over.

The only thing that he can do now to distract the masses is create some global crisis...
maybe something so crazy like bombing a country of Muslim population with out UN approval? But wait, that would be so crazy, He will at the very least ask Congress first ... right? Our more sane British and French allies will talk some sense into him... right? Story:

Story: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew challenged Congress on Tuesday to raise the debt limit—telling CNBC that President Barack Obama will not negotiate over the issue.
"What we need in our economy is some certainty. We don't need another self-inflicted wound," Lew said in a "Squawk Box" interview. "Congress should come back and they should act."
He added, "We don't need another crisis at the last minute" because it causes uncertainty in the financial markets.

What? Huge national debt doesn't cause uncertainty? I never thought I'd live to see the day when an adult in charge could say such a crazy thing with a straight face. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 06:06
Jul 5, 2006
Obama loves to state how "all options are on the table" as if it means that he will enter into a dialog. After a suitable period of time has passed, Obama begins to float "clarifications". The clarification now being put forward, as a very public populist talking point, is that discussion of the debt ceiling is not on the negotiating table.

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