Self taught and building a monster (I feel)


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Local time
Yesterday, 20:10
Dec 23, 2017
Hi everyone. I’ve played around with access here and there but did the most work in building things when I was in highschool (pushing 15 years ago). I now work for a school district and I’m in charge of all the assistive technology equipment (communication devices for nonverbal students, adapted computer access devices, etc). My predisessor tracked everything using a system of pen, paper, and post it notes (I wish I was joking). The other people in the department are bareilly computer literate so I’m having to build everything in the most dummy proof way that I can. I look forward to picking some of y’all’s (from Texas can you tell) brains and helping others where I can. Thanks.
Mr. SLP I know what you mean about school districts and technology. It's like that movie "Groundhogs day." Every morning the alarm goes off, and its 1970's all over again (sigh).

The moment they figure out you know the slightest bit about tech, you're doomed.:p
The moment they figure out you know the slightest bit about tech, you're doomed.:p

You’re not kidding! And, then when you make something the heads explode as you try to explain what it is, how to use it, and why it’s better than post it notes

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