Can a single query parameter allow multiple entries?


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Yesterday, 18:27
Jun 11, 2019
For instance, if I have a query parameter set up for "Employee Name:", is it possible to build it in a way that lets me input "Smith, Johnson" and it pulls up all entries will Smith or Johnson listed?
Yes, but if and only if the SQL expects a list. Further, the syntax required might be a problem since Access default behavior on quoted strings is to strip one layer of quotes at each layer that passes a string.

This next is "air code" for illustrative purposes only.

SELECT EmpID, EmpLName, EmpFName, EmpDept FROM EmpTable WHERE EmpLName IN (parameter) ;

The parameter might have to be something like " 'Smith','Jones' " in order to be useful.
I added in his Solution 2 code and I am getting a syntax error....Can't really figure out why
Neither can we if you don't provide your attempt for analysis.

@The_Doc_Man, as theDBGuy explains in blog, array list for IN() cannot be dynamic in query parameter.

I never use dynamic parameterized queries. I prefer VBA to build filter criteria and apply to form or report when opening or apply to Filter property for already open form. Use a multi-select listbox for users to select multiple parameters.
What do you mean? I followed theDBGuy's article exactly and used the Solution #2 code, but I got a syntax error. Plus, I am not looking to use a list box. There are thousands of employees. Being able to simply type in multiple names separated by a semicolon would be much easier.

Here's the code I used:
WHERE ";" & [Enter Employee Name (separated by a semicolon ';')] & ";" Like "*;" & EmployeeName & ";*"
What do you mean? I followed theDBGuy's article exactly and used the Solution #2 code, but I got a syntax error. Plus, I am not looking to use a list box. There are thousands of employees. Being able to simply type in multiple names separated by a semicolon would be much easier.

Here's the code I used:
WHERE ";" & [Enter Employee Name (separated by a semicolon ';')] & ";" Like "*;" & EmployeeName & ";*"
Hi. Thank you for reading the article. You may be getting an error because your situation is a little different than the article's. It looks like your criteria is for a Text field rather than a Numeric field. If so, could you please try entering the following format at the prompt?
Just checking... (untested)
Hi. Thank you for reading the article. You may be getting an error because your situation is a little different than the article's. It looks like your criteria is for a Text field rather than a Numeric field. If so, could you please try entering the following format at the prompt?
Just checking... (untested)
Well, I just tested it, and I didn't need to enter the single quotes between the names. Can you please post the complete SQL statement for your query? Thanks.
For simplicity sake, we can keep it as numerical, as I would like to be able to search the ID as well. Plus that is what the blog post is focused on. I again repeated the steps but am still getting the syntax error.

Here is my SQL code without the parameter code:

SELECT [2019].[EventID], [2019].[SubmissionDate], [2019].[SubmittedBy], [2019].[EmployeeResponsible], [2019].[CustomerAccountID], [2019].[Customer First Name], [2019].[CustomerLastName], [2019].[Store], [2019].[DateofEvent], [2019].Category, [2019].Description, [2019].[Follow Up]
FROM 2019
ORDER BY [2019].[Event #] DESC;
For simplicity sake, we can keep it as numerical, as I would like to be able to search the ID as well. Plus that is what the blog post is focused on. I again repeated the steps but am still getting the syntax error.

Here is my SQL code without the parameter code:

SELECT [2019].[EventID], [2019].[SubmissionDate], [2019].[SubmittedBy], [2019].[EmployeeResponsible], [2019].[CustomerAccountID], [2019].[Customer First Name], [2019].[CustomerLastName], [2019].[Store], [2019].[DateofEvent], [2019].Category, [2019].Description, [2019].[Follow Up]
FROM 2019
ORDER BY [2019].[Event #] DESC;
Hi. Unfortunately, it was important to see the parameter part of the SQL statement in case the error is within it. Are you saying the syntax error is in this part of the SQL statement? If not, can you please post the "complete" SQL statement, including the parameter part, because it is that part that you're asking for help anyway, correct? If I were to give it a try, the SQL statement might look something like this:
SELECT EventID, SubmissionDate, SubmittedBy, EmployeeResponsible,
   CustomerAccountID, [Customer First Name], CustomerLastName,
   Store, DateofEvent, Category, Description, [Follow Up]
FROM [2019]
 WHERE ";" & [Enter EventIDs] & ";" Like "*;" & [EventID] & ";*"
ORDER BY [Event #]
That actually worked! I was being really dumb and putting the Where code in design view, and not SQL. Thank you!
That actually worked! I was being really dumb and putting the Where code in design view, and not SQL. Thank you!
Oh, yes, that would definitely create a "syntax" error. Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.

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