Access locks up when opening Tables interactively


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 17:59
Jul 30, 2014
Over the past few weeks, my main work database has developed a problem where it locks up when opening table interactively. The problem occurs with both Access native tables and SQL server linked tables. It does not happen when things are running without user interaction.

Repairing the database just causes it to lockup. Creating a new database and importing everything did not fix the problem.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
Sounds like record locking, especially if it only happens when other users are involved?
Very unusual for SQL tables to just lock. New query/trigger etc doing something a bit differently?
This happens when there are no other users in the access database. As this happens with access native tables as well as sql tables, I assume that problem is on the access side.
This happens when there are no other users in the access database. As this happens with access native tables as well as sql tables, I assume that problem is on the access side.
Have you done a "Compact and Repair"
Have you set the database to "Exclusive Access=No"? (File >> Options >> CurrentDatabase and then scroll down a bit.)
I don't see that option. I did uncheck "Name Autocorrect".

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