The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities (1 Viewer)

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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007

"Live like you are dying!"
Tim McGraw

It never hurts to have a free, safe, no obligation, back up plan!

It's all here,

regardless if you see it, or not yet!

Never under estimate a Tim dude, when the family supports you!

I wonder how Faith Hill, feels about eternal love?

Pain has no time clock.

"You sure do act like you got nothing to lose.

The grave yard is filled with people, that didn't have time to die!

There is a whole lot of things, you say you are living for?

Just this side of the other side!"

Tim McGraw
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007
Your going to miss this!

Sure we have a long uphill climb with my free option, but we can do it!

"What hurts the most,

is being so close!"
Rascal Flatt

How did I get here, I'm not dead?

We can not control afterlife this way either.

Starting with the right sensor is the key!

"Thanks so much for the email. Due to the volume of mail this may be the only response you see.

While I do not always see it in a timely fashion I do try to read all of my mail. However, I average over 2000 letters a day and there is no way I can respond to most letters.

I am glad you are watching/listening and even though you may not see a response, I want you to know that I am listening as well.


Glenn Beck

If you'd like to stay in contact with the Glenn Beck Program, sign up for our free email newsletter. Visit to sign up now."

Please feel free to send one as well, until you hear more about my option in the media.

Please take some time, and listen to country music as well. They almost sound like a poster child for my option.
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Everything in life takes it's allotted amount of time.

How about going on an adventure trail with

"The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities"?

So close,

but yet so far away.

Practicing for BrainGate?

Believe what ever you want to believe the signs are.

Just remember you are from the inside out, and science has shown, that you are connected to outer space.

We turn an atom here, and it turns in outer space.

Now that is a string theory, with real good wiring!

If it can happen here, on this level,

then it can happen on any level.

What a view!

This grass roots imaginary afterlife communication path movement,

has to rest sometimes!

How would you like to wake up, listen, and see this every day?

Regardless where people claim they see afterlife.

I offer a different option.

So how did you like going down these different paths with afterlife planner Tim Brewer?

Something to do!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

I never imagined, I had that ability at all!

Just a thought, if you think like I do...

Orb bubbles, makes the world go round!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Believe what ever you want to believe about this option of mine, but it is easy to do, safe, no obligation, and it is mathematically possible.

This option fixes problems, lots of major problems!

This option has the ability to give you great wealth, peace of mind, and time!

Maybe this ranch image below, will help get you in the right mind set.

Stop, and think about this for a moment.

You mean timing like this?

My free idea concept, could even fix problems like this!

I report, you think about it, and where is the media?

I guess they would rather report about NCR leaving Dayton, Ohio, than inform more people about my option.

What do I have to do, provide tea?

I'm just glad I have good Internet friends here, that take the time to view what we have to say, and listen.

So what do you think happens, to people after they die?

I wonder what the First Lady of America thinks, and feels about eternal love communication?

My option starts way below a grass root concept.

I just need people who are willing to think outside the box.

With thoughts like that, the worst will never come!

"Ducks on the water, bears on the mountain, fish in the oceans, birds up in the sky!
Each one has one, to give their life more fun, just as you, and I, have each other!"
Billy Edd Wheeler

I would like to take this time, and thank the 18 pages of Access World Forum friends,
that are posted on my profile.

Thank you!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007
Do you remember our path trip?

What does this remind you of?

Please feel free to go back and review that thread if you like.

We have a match!

Have you ever seen an aura before?

I have!

Old religious art, seam to have a lot of them.

Could there be a reason for this?

Was the Earth's magnetic field stronger back then?

It seams to be in a magnetic energy Orb form.

With all energy being connected, like a matrix, heading into outer space, like we are connected to something else, like puppets on a string.

Are we being controlled by others from outer space, or are we connected to our own energy Orb afterlife, and don't even know it?

I read about others, in my field of science, and I wish them the best, but their option do not match that, of the best evidence we have, and that is near death out of body people. Even though all these people have thoughts, just like you have now. I have never read of one, that had the ability to talk, while in that situation. now maybe there will be one now, but if that is the case, that they have never been able to do that, then how are they able to talk in the afterlife, or good enough hear?

The string theory of science connects well with near death experience people.

I am not saying that they are not picking up voices, because this might be possible, based on an afterlife ability to alter noise, through movement of energy through a radio frequency.

If ghost can throw things, then this type of option could be done as well.

If you could imagine the strings on a guitar, that is more transparent than President Obama administration, and then all these strings go up, and now we have enough of them, that they cover everything, but so clear to your eye, that you can not see it.

Industry figured out different ways to get things out of natural, and that is where we are at today as a culture.

Some people actually believe that humans harness energy.

Until my concept puzzle piece is added to the string theory option, then the puzzle can not be completed correctly.

For my option to work, we need a program that measures friction of energy, and we have that in BrainGate.

Some feel that nothing will ever happen, but they are limiting their self, in that way of thinking.

It can be done, as long as we continue to focus on the option.

Stretch and grow our thoughts!

Take a little time everyday, and think about this option.

Take my information, and question it with anything you would like, and please let me know if your information is better than mine.

What do I mean, when I connect afterlife to the string theory.

Imagine for a moment that everything in space is just one big invisible rope. covering everything, with all the material needed to cover this big rope.


Humans in this big rope, would be connected to the rope, just like we connect them in our life everyday. By saying that, then you are also saying that this human inner thought, is also a part of this equation, and if that is a fact, and we do not know if there is an inside to an afterlife Orb, then they should be connected as well.

Now this afterlife Orb can move through this field of space at will, only limited by your own belief.

Example, if you avoid things in your life, as a human, then you will avoid them as well, as an afterlife Orb.

You can float around thinking that God is going to take care of you, and just go with the flow.

Where do you flow in that situation?

Do you float down to your old church, or what ever you call it, and wait?

How many days do you wait?

It might be longer, than reading anything I ever posted!

I'm being totally honest, what do you plan to do, if you find your self in the same type of situation, and a near death experience person finds their self in?

If seeing, thinking, feeling, and floating was your only option, as any clear energy Orb you are, and what do you plan on doing next?

It's one thing to take a winter coat off, but a totally different experience, to shell a whole body.

Sight, thought, movement!

It's easy to imitate any time you like for free.

Go to a quit place, with no noise, except for a slight humming.

No talking, no touching, and just think, and watch what ever you want. Just as long as it don't hurt you, or anybody else.

I know for some it is hard to do this, because you are worried about this or that.

Some people thought process is over loaded, and they need to learn to think "No!"

If you only have 40,000 thoughts a day,

then you need to take control of some of them.

you need to take a thought time out for a moment.

Here was the way I use to think about it, and maybe it will help you.

Please let me know if it does.

Imagine in your thoughts, a bobber!

imagine this inner bobber in your thoughts, as your inner constance DNA.
the part of you, that keeps you breathing at night, when you are thinking of your self, and fixes a lot of your problems, as you rest in sleep.

Tell your inner bobber a problem you are having, before you go to sleep, and listen for the answer when you first wake up.

What ever your problem is, that you asked your inner thoughts, right before you went to sleep. Automatically, vibrated to everything else in space, and that everything, vibrated back with an answer.

Some might believe this is not the case, and that it is just different places in your thoughts, and there is no type of pattern here.

Believe that, if you like, but what if you are wrong?

What if I am right, regardless how well I was at explaining it?

If that is the case, then I ask the question again.

What would you do, in the afterlife, if it is like a near death out of body experience?

Don't know what options you would have in that state?

To make it easy on you, let's take an afterlife trip to an amusement park.

Does this ride look scary?

It should not be any more scary, than us floating across from them right now, as we experience what afterlife people experience.

Stretching, and growing your imagination, during these trouble times, is one of the best thing you can do right now, especially with my option.

It's all free!

Something to do!

If you want to get noticed, for things you are into, then please inform the media about my option.

Something to do!

Blowing Orb bubbles, something to do!

Figuring out a way that I am wrong, something to do!

This option has very little to do with me.

Going back to your inner thought bobber for a moment.

Even though this inner thought bobber is working 24/7, and maybe you are only aware of it now through a different name, like prayer, meditation, or what ever. you have found a place to think!

you bobber is way out in the water away from all problems.

Sure a fish could jump up and swallow you, like Mobey dick, but that is a different story!

Through out the day, see how calm you can keep your bobber.

See how it reacts to different situations.

Just observe your regular routine from time to time, and see how well you can doing, at keeping it level.

Work on going to bed on a problem, and fixing them that way.

If you fix one problem a night, all your problems would be gone in no time!

Now if you are on board with my option, even though you only view, and never leave a reply.

What can you do to be mentally ready for my option?

How can you see better?

How can you feel better?

How can you think better?

How can you get better use of your time?

How can you help to make this option possible?

How can you get some mental hands on experience in this field.

How can you just come to terms with the option, just in case I am right.

So many questions!

How can you make your comfort zone better?

Vibrations of inner thought!

One thing you can try some time, is pick the smallest thing you can see around you, and look at it for a moment, and think about this.

Think select eye!

Imagine you have a very selected eye, and you want to see it even better!

Now imagine you want to measure how long you have been staring at this object, while keeping your inner bobber calm.

Tell your select eye, that you will do this measuring, by steamboats, in your internal thoughts, as it come in line with your inner bobber.

Now tell your select eye, that you have been staring at this object, you selected for five hundred trillion steam boats!

Now that was not that hard was it?

Talk about getting your internal thoughts synchronized!

Believe it or not, but you can take control of your inner thoughts!

What is the difference, between a leader, and a follower?

A leader has learned to say no, to being a follower!

I want you to do better than me, i really do!

If you win, then I win!

If you lose, then I lose!

Pain, or pleasure!

Right, or wrong!

Good, or bad!

Up, or down!

In, or out!

All, or nothing!

Still learning, know it all!

Science constance:

Energy can not be destroyed!

Energy can not be made!

Energy can change form!

What science don't know:

What is inside energy!

Energy is to movement, as movement is to human thought.

Human thought can be done any where energy is at, if conditions are right!

Energy, and inner human thought is connected to science string theory, as humans are connected to the theory as well.

How calm is my internal bobber?

They say that the noise you hear in a sea shell,

is your own blood pressure making that sound. when I stick a sea shell to my ear. I hear nothing!

That is calm!

That is a natural way to measure your internal bobber!

Your internal thoughts want to naturally take you out of pain, and into pleasure, and one of the best way to do that, is to lower your blood pressure.

Why is that important, for listening to your inner thoughts?

Vibration of energy.

Think of it like this:

Imagine you are out in front of a building, trying to have a conversation with somebody, and all this water falls on top of you.

Besides the weight of the wave vibration, temperature change, water sounds, and everything else. You are just having a hard time hearing.

Calm the blood preasure water, and you can hear the birds sing, not to mention your inner thoughts.

You need to be aware you have right brain thoughts, and left brain thoughts.

Try imagining putting your hands together, and then doing it.

Imagine you need to find a ink pen. where would you imagine it will be, that is your right thoughts, and then going to get it, with your left thoughts.

Your Orb will work the same way!

Regardless what science sees on their machines, you will be able to do this, if my internal thoughts are right!

Frank Sumption claims he had a thought, that he must build this afterlife phone. please check out links to his option at the bottom of the page.

Even though you might feel you are good at one, you need to explore other thoughts as well. Believe it or not, but it is a good thing to be more dimensional.

If most people knew this water was coming, they would never go out there, and get wet.

Your internal energy is already wet.

Want to energize it?

Take a shower!

You already know what happens when you mix electric with water. Your internal thoughts are no different!

Stimulate your outer Orb, with a shower!

Imagine your internal options, on different days, like these images below.

take the time to get to know your inner Orb!

Just some thoughts today,
Follow those two things, and you will find your calm waters.

Some people can play an instrument, by following the sheet music, and then there are some, who make there own music, like Martin does!

Mentally try and keep that bobber calm to your emotions.

If you feel you have an original idea, then mentally tug on the string from your bobber, and post it some where!

Grow your mental muscles, until it becomes a way of life.

Even if you only think about this bobber image for a second every day. each one of those seconds will add up, until you are getting better at it.

If your inner thought s believe I am important in your life, then listen to my thoughts, from time to time, but if at this time, you feel I am a waste of your time.

You have the will to stop viewing!

Any time I post my thoughts, I am not trying to insult anybody intelligence.

They are nothing more, than thoughts!

Something to think about!

Frank Sumption ghost box
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 13:24
Jun 16, 2000
Tell your select eye, that you will do this measuring, by steamboats, in your internal thoughts, as it come in line with your inner bobber.

Now tell your select eye, that you have been staring at this object, you selected for five hundred trillion steam boats!

Now that was not that hard was it?
It was a bit hard.

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 13:24
Jun 16, 2000
What is hard about it?
I understood all of it, except the meaning.

Tell your select eye, that you will do this measuring, by steamboats, in your internal thoughts, as it come in line with your inner bobber.
Uses English words, but is not a comprehensible English sentence.


4 strings are enough
Local time
Today, 13:24
Oct 15, 2002
I understood all of it, except the meaning.

Uses English words, but is not a comprehensible English sentence.

The reason for the confusion is astoundingly obvious! Tim is ACTUALLY DEAD!! and these garbled messages are coming from the other side. He (it - whatever) should be congratulated in having achieved his aim of communication between the living and the dead. Stand by for Harry Houdini to drop us a line or two.

This explains the incomprehensible gibberish he's sending us. Sadly he is unaware of his demise and still thinks he's working in a fast food store in Ohio. Mind you it would be difficult to distinguish between the two conditions at the best of times.........

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 13:24
Jun 16, 2000
Tell your select eye, that you will do this measuring, by steamboats, in your internal thoughts, as it come in line with your inner bobber.
I think I'm going to get this printed onto a T Shirt.


Hello Tim Brewer,

Regarding your Afterlife String Theory Concept, I believe that you are on to something, however, I wish to refute the idea that "strings" are the connective force that are acting in the material world......

To do this I would like us to visualize the world of the atom. In the atom world, everything is held together with very specific "laws of physics" rules of attraction. Neutrons, Protons, Electrons....all being held together but not physically touching one another. In mass they form the basic building blocks that we can see with our naked eye.

For is the atomic representation of water, both on the molecular and physical levels...

Looking at this concept on a larger, Afterlife sort of perspective, one can easily visualize the entire universe and everything that is included in it as being "not solid" and in all actuality, quite soupy indeed. Extending this idea out even further, one can state that we are all "connected" to eachother and everything else because the entire universe is a "whole" and we are just a part of that... disorder, there arises order based upon these unchanging this case, the growth of ferromagnetic domains. Magnetism after all is like a "string", but instead of just pulling things closer it also can push things away. Strings can not push.........

Just ask this guy......he can tell you that!

Other than this one minor disagreement though, I'd say that you and I are in lock step with regard to our worldview regarding the universal connectivity of matter.

In closing, I'd like to sincerely encourage your to keep up the good work Tim Brewer......and may all of the very best that life has to offer seek you out in an aggressive manner so that it may impose its will upon your physical existence!

Your Friend,

Martin :)

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 05:24
May 21, 2007
Hello Tim Brewer,

Regarding your Afterlife String Theory Concept, I believe that you are on to something, however, I wish to refute the idea that "strings" are the connective force that are acting in the material world......

To do this I would like us to visualize the world of the atom. In the atom world, everything is held together with very specific "laws of physics" rules of attraction. Neutrons, Protons, Electrons....all being held together but not physically touching one another. In mass they form the basic building blocks that we can see with our naked eye.

For is the atomic representation of water, both on the molecular and physical levels...

Looking at this concept on a larger, Afterlife sort of perspective, one can easily visualize the entire universe and everything that is included in it as being "not solid" and in all actuality, quite soupy indeed. Extending this idea out even further, one can state that we are all "connected" to eachother and everything else because the entire universe is a "whole" and we are just a part of that... disorder, there arises order based upon these unchanging this case, the growth of ferromagnetic domains. Magnetism after all is like a "string", but instead of just pulling things closer it also can push things away. Strings can not push.........

Just ask this guy......he can tell you that!

Other than this one minor disagreement though, I'd say that you and I are in lock step with regard to our worldview regarding the universal connectivity of matter.

In closing, I'd like to sincerely encourage your to keep up the good work Tim Brewer......and may all of the very best that life has to offer seek you out in an aggressive manner so that it may impose its will upon your physical existence!

Your Friend,

Martin :)

Is that your image Martin?

"The string theory of science connects well with near death experience people."

"The soup bowl theory of science connects well with near death experience people."


Softly touch something.

It's soft based on pressure, and slow speed of movement.


Can you feel your key board, with out touching it?

Can you feel your key board, with out seeing it, and touching it?

Sight plays a vital role in your afterlife.

It helps with the right direction, wrong direction, that helps you to form structure in your life.

What stops people from being bored?

Focusing on something other than being bored.

What is wrong with America?

They are bored, They need something with value, and my option provides that, because even when it looks like I made a mistake, regardless what the mistake. It was not my internal thoughts fault.

I personally make mistakes all the time, but my internal thoughts are simply amazing!

People want a purpose, my option provides that.

Apparently, my inner thoughts works toward a purpose!

Go figure!

Now taking into account, that anything I can do,
you can do better!

Only makes all my options look better!

Only makes all your options look better!

Only makes afterlife options look better!

I will be back!


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 13:24
Feb 22, 2002
I will be back!

TimmyBabe (and your imaginary friend) - You do realise that you are merely confirming to the rest of the world what they have known for years - Americans are completely crackers and in need of psychotherapy.
Which is probobly why we are led to believe the majority of people in America do consult such practitioners.

Thank you for confirming that, at least I can continue my posts safe in the knowlege that I can refer people to your posts should they need confirmation.




Is that your image Martin?

Hello Tim Brewer,

The image pictured above is an image of Ben Bernanke, the man that is running our Federal Reserve. The reason he can tell you that pushing on a string does not work is because he used that analogy in a speech he did about how you make economies work. Mr. Bernanke believes that as money enters the economy, it in turn generates even more money because of the "sweat equity" that is earned on the part of each individual worker that is involved in the monetary system. I agree with his assessment of the situation and support his effots fully in that regard. With this sentiment in mind, I would like to now post a second picture of Mr. Bernanke, except for this time it will be superimposed into a portrait of another famous and great man, our president, Abraham Lincoln...


Softly touch something.

It's soft based on pressure, and slow speed of movement.

Hello Tim Brewer....

I would like to commend you on your keen observation regarding the totality of meaning that lies within the written word. In your first sentence the reader can clearly see that you could have just as easily written "touch something" in order to convey the physical act of using one's sense of touch as a means to examine an object in the physical world. By prefacing the word "touch" with the adverb, softly, the degree of understanding the reader has about the act of touching something is expanded to a near exponential degree.

Your second sentence reinforces the first by describing exactly how that particular adverb works, thus verifying the reader's initial thoughts on that subject matter. It is especially profound to contemplate the mechanisms of action within the realm of "thought conveyances" using the "adverb placement theory" that you have so skillfully demonstrated. It is for these reasons, and others, that I choose to follow your teachings in a blind and unquestioning manner, and I trust that as your wisdom permeates the external world, it will only be a matter of time until there will be great legions that will assemble with the solitary goal of singing your praises and advancing the mindset that makes up the worldview of Tim Brewer.

All hail the great leader....all hail Tim Brewer!



Hello Mike Gurman,

I would like to applaud your efforts with regard to volunteering to be in charge of the T-Shirts at the Tim Brewer support rallies. With ideas like this, I want you to know that you have my full support and that I will be looking forward to the day when shirts like this one are available for purchase. Just think of it, once there are hundreds of millions of Tim Brewer supporters, if we only sold the shirts for $25 each, we could end up with close to a billion dollars (assuming that each adherent purchases multiple shirts) from shirt sale proceeds. Just imagine the good that can be done once the revenue is reinvested in mechanics that are involved in advancing the mindset of Tim Brewer.

It is a real pleasure to count you as a kindred spirit and I'm so happy to see that you are totally on board with everything.

All the best and until next time...

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