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  1. commandolomo

    Oh, how apt

    This is breaking news over here in Blightly, and whilst I of course hope everything turns out ok, and no-one is hurt and no property is damaged, I did crack a smile when I got half way down the page - check out the name of the road;),,30000-1212504,00.html...
  2. commandolomo

    Guantanamo Bay

    'Tis official - the most powerful and important international governmental organisation declares the treatment of "detainees" at Guantanamo Bay torture. I am just dumfounded as to how a nation, pushing an agenda based on civil and human rights in places such as China, Pakistan, Iran, Chile and...
  3. commandolomo

    Days added to date

    Hi one and all I am basically trying to do what another member has detailed in this thread where someone has suggested another link which...
  4. commandolomo

    Honestly, try this!!!

    Got this info in an email last night - I am sure it is doing the rounds globally, but just for the sheer comedy value, try this try this try this!!!! Go to, type in "failure" (without the speechmarks), and press the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.............some Google IT geek is...
  5. commandolomo

    Msgbox triggering an event

    Hello one and all It may seem a rather simple question, though it continues to confound me -and I have searched to no avail :D How do you trigger an event depending on what button is pressed on a msgbox? For example, using a vbYesNo msgbox on a form, how can I assign events to either the Yes...
  6. commandolomo

    Data Access Pages - Launch a DAP from another DAP

    Hello all I have fell into Data Access Pages (yes, it hurt :p ), and have absolutely no knowledge of HTML or Javascript (though fairly competent with vb), so please bear with me! When you are using normal forms in Access, you can launch a separate form from a command button, and bring up a...
  7. commandolomo

    Querying a Memo field Only returns part of info

    Hello All Has anyone ever encoutered a problem where when running a query to return a dataset which includes a memo field, the query only returns part of the info contained in the memo field? Do queries limit the return of memo field data to 255 characters? I have run other queries on other...
  8. commandolomo

    Deleting All db Objects starting with a Certain Prefix

    Hello Does anybody have any vb code - either as a procedure or function - that deletes all tables, queries and macros, based on wheteher or not the object has a certain prefix? My db has over two hundred tables, and twice as many queries, and so instead of writing a macro and using...
  9. commandolomo

    DLookup Syntax - My bad?

    Hey y'all Can anyone see what may be wrong with the following Dlookup syntax? I have a field in a query, MID, and want to return from another table a corresponding name that matches the MID code. I have constructed the below, but the query expression builder does not like it -...
  10. commandolomo

    Using Calculated fields in other controls - help please!!

    Hello all Quick question - is it possible to use a calculated field as a condition in another control? For example, I have a field (text box), called "CurrentHours," that it's control source is an IIf calculation. I want to use the value in this field as part of another calculation - for...
  11. commandolomo

    Usage of Dlookup

    Hello All I have a two tables, one a recordset (2k rows) - "Main" - and one a table of codes and names (15 rows) - Areas". Each table has a ID, which relates to the Name od an area held on the table to codes. I want to return the Name of the Area onto the query grid by looking up the ID from...
  12. commandolomo

    Opening VBA Editor from a Command Button

    Hey Does anyone if it is possible / how to open the "Code" (VBA Editor) screens for modules and forms from a command button? Instead of going through Form>Design>(Code Icon), I want to be able to access the code from a command button. Does anyone know the code to trigger the vba editor to...
  13. commandolomo

    Form Load / Open Question

    Hey y'all I have some code that runs upon 'FormLoad' of Form A, and I am currently writing some more vba that is to open Form A from a Command Button on Form B. What I want is for the code that is on Form A, to be triggered upon the clicking of the Command button on Form B. I am using the...
  14. commandolomo

    "Record Focus" Code....or something.....

    Hello All As the 'FormLoad' vba runs code when the form is loaded, does anyone know if there is an equilivant peice of code for 'Record Load'? I have a form driven db, where users only have access to the forms - as all good db's should be! What I want to do is run a bit of code everytime a...
  15. commandolomo

    Input Box Value to Populate Text box

    Hello everyone Simple question, I hope! I have an input box that appears 'afterupdate' on a field, and I want to instruct Access to return the inputbox value to another field within the same form. eg Afterupdate of 'Date', inputbox appears and instructs the user to type in a Name, which once...
  16. commandolomo

    Maximising Access Upon Opening, Not Maximising a Form

    Hello all I wonder if someone can help me. I want force Access, as a program, to maximise upon opening, but not to maxinise the switchboard/opening form. I have tried to use an Autoexec macro function of "Maximise," but this just maxises the first form, and not the Access window. Any ideas...
  17. commandolomo

    Seting the Control Source - Help please!!

    Hello All I currently have a form set up in which several textboxes autofill when a combobox (based on a query) option is selected, using the method of setting the textboxes properties control source as =[Vision Post Reference].column(2). This works fine on the form, however the info it pulls...
  18. commandolomo

    Lookup Question - with a difference!

    Hello all I have been tasked with organising and developing some HR databases, where currently there are 8 or 9 different databases, all with duplicate personal info, but used for different issues - e.g. disciplinary, role details, attendance etc. I plan to merge and reduce this number to...
  19. commandolomo

    Input Dates for Criteria

    Hello Everyone I am designing a database, on which the main sheet is to hold many month's worth of data. I am setting up some queries to run against this, and instead of setting up various queries for each month, is there anyway that when a query is run, two prompt or input boxes appear, where...
  20. commandolomo

    Decimal Places Question

    G'day everyone A rather rudimentary question, but has continued to confound me! I have got a form based upon a table, and all I want to do is to input numbers as decimals. Currently, whether, I enter the number in the table or in the form, it automatically rounds up or down the number to the...
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