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  1. DCrake

    David Crake – very sad news

    David's wife Linda, his daughter Katie n Grandson Patrick and all the family would like to thank you for your kind words of sympathy at this sad time xxxx
  2. DCrake

    Union query, city lookup not working

    You need to store the city PK as a FK in your table then in your query use a join on the two table to get the description.
  3. DCrake

    Union query, city lookup not working

    This is because you have fallen into the trap of using table level lookups instead of 1:m relationships between tables.
  4. DCrake

    dlookup and query for multiple data

    If class prefix is a string then it needs single quotes around it =DLookUp("CourseName","classes","[ClassPrefix] = '" & [ClassPrefix] & "'")
  5. DCrake

    force advance to next field

    Glad to be of help:)
  6. DCrake

    force advance to next field

    Two things you need to do step 1 Create an input mask for your textbox Step 2 Set the autotab property of the textbox to Yes/True This means that as soon as the 9th character is pressed in the input string the cursor will go to the next field in the form.
  7. DCrake

    relationship structure on the front end missing

    Relationships a generally created and maintained in the back end. When you link the tables and create queries the relationships are represented in the front end even though they are not visible in the relationships window.
  8. DCrake

    DCount Error - Always 0

    I suspect it has to do the [TempVars].[strLeftName] try replaing with strLeftName
  9. DCrake

    Tracking a login

    If you follow the CreateSession() function this willshow you how it adds a record to the session table.
  10. DCrake

    Yearly Summary

    Design your original crosstab query then bring down the date field you want to extract the year from. Place this in the first column and code as follows ActYear:Format([DateField],"yyyy") Make this a row item Group by this field as well Sort Ascending
  11. DCrake

    DCount Error - Always 0

    If DCount("[AltNameID]", "tblAltNames", "[PersonnelID] & [AltName] = [Forms]![frmPersonnelFlexible].[PersonnelID] & '[TempVars].[strLeftName]'") = 0 If DCount("[AltNameID]", "tblAltNames", "[PersonnelID] & [AltName] = '" &[Forms]![frmPersonnelFlexible].[PersonnelID] & [TempVars].[strLeftName] &...
  12. DCrake

    Search Table

    To be perfectly honest I would suggest seeking profesional help on this matter. The structure of the incoming data is so disjointed and denormalised it would be a nightmare to program.
  13. DCrake

    Search Table

    If this is only going to be a one off exercise then a bit of hard work is required. However if this is going to be an ongoing event then that multiplies the work ten fold. Which option are you looking for?
  14. DCrake

    Search Table

    Silly question but if you manage to do this what good is a list of phone numbers to you if you do not know who they belong to?
  15. DCrake

    Concatenate Query Fields into Variable

    From: Dim stMessage as String Dim stSubject as String Dim stTo As String stTo = "SELECT DISTINCT tblCoordinator.CoordinatorEmailAddress " & _ "FROM tblRSS INNER JOIN (tblRSSRenewal INNER JOIN tblCoordinator ON tblRSSRenewal.CoordinatorID = tblCoordinator.CoordinatorID) ON tblRSS.RSSID =...
  16. DCrake

    Search Table

    What does the data look like in the first place? At the moment it's a bit like peeling an orange in your pocket.
  17. DCrake

    Query for Splitting Table

    You can create a single report that is grouped by specialty and telling it to start a new page after each specialty. When you say you have to "separate tables of each speciality to the customer." How are you presenting the data to them?
  18. DCrake

    Query for Splitting Table

    Making tables for each specialty would be the LAST thing I would do. What are you wanting to do with the data anyway?
  19. DCrake

    combobox and if then else

    Can you not do a DLookup or something to get the venueID. Not sure how your form works.
  20. DCrake

    Query for Splitting Table

    Just use select queries for the source data. Or you can use agregate queries for grouping and counting.
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