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  1. C

    Format =Hyperlink from Access to Excel

    A function imports a row of hyperlinks into an Excel spreadsheet that look like text... =HYPERLINK("https://webistename.aspx?ID=3&WA=1","A110912") The problem is that they don't act as a hyperlink until I physically click in each cell and hit F2 or <enter>. After that they are displayed as...
  2. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Got It!!! SELECT D.lngStoreNumber, D.lngComponentSerial, D.strCADFile FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT lngStoreNumber, strCadFile FROM Temp) AS T LEFT JOIN Main AS D ON (T.lngStoreNumber = D.lngStoreNumber) AND (T.strCadFile = D.strCADFile)) LEFT JOIN Temp AS S ON D.lngComponentSerial =...
  3. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Sorry for the confusing question. Can someone help me substitue QTS_TEMP For: SELECT DISTINCT lngStoreNumber, strCadFile FROM Temp in the following query? SELECT D.lngStoreNumber, D.lngComponentSerial, D.strCADFile FROM (QTS_TEMP AS T LEFT JOIN Main AS D ON (T.lngStoreNumber =...
  4. C

    records existing in Main table not found in Temp Table

    Hoping someone can help me with this DELETE query. I have a Main table that's being updated by a Temp table that's an exact copy of the Main table but with a subset of records. 1) Insert records from Temp table NOT found in the Main table - this query I have worked out below - not tested, but...
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    Format a number as a text in a query

    Got it Basically did what I described and it worked. not sure why it didn;t take the first time.
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    Format a number as a text in a query

    Hello, I have a text file I'm querying that stores a field as a text. ComponentID:0000000242 I'm inserting this data into a table that stores this value as a number. Thus truncating the leading zeros. ComponentID:242 I would like to create a query on the table using an InnerJoin on the text...
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    ADO recordset different than query

    Yes, that's it. It's been so long since I've used vb it's like re-learning this stuff. Thanks.
  8. C

    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Good idea. I'm thinking that could have been the case and the original query got overwritten. I tested it out and added the field to the Order By in the properties and that didn't cause the parameter pop-up to show-up either. I'm stumped. I will have to keep that in mind when I grab a query...
  9. C

    Step Directly into Function/Procedure

    How about skipping to the middle of a function ok...Thanks to DrSnuggles. now I can step directly into the function I'm testing and send it parameters...woohoo!!! Is it possible to skip to the middle of the function where the error is occurring? Basically by-pass running the rest of the code...
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    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Hey boblarson! thanks for your reply!!! The table does have a primary key. The way I'm linking it, I'm not specifying a primary key. I've seen that before. Should I be? More "interesting" information. I saved a test query when working through this issue...This would cause the parameter...
  11. C

    SQL - Access linked query stumper!!! check this out!!!

    Hello all, i have a linked table in Access to SQL Server. I'm running a simple select statement in Access on the table. select * from tblData; When I do this it brings up a parameter pop-up to add a [dtDate] field entry in the query??? The [dtDate] field is not in the table or in the above...
  12. C

    Button not firing event...ever seen this??

    Figured it out...several frames ontop of one another with different command buttons. Wow! Time to take a vacation!
  13. C

    SQL Server Access linked DefaultValue not showing up.

    WayneRyan, Thanks. That works great! I would also like to send it a Column_Name too since I know which column_name I'm looking for. Syntax from MSDN: strSQL ="Exec sp_columns @table_name = N'TMPL_CadData', @column_name = N'lngLength'" rst.Open strSQL, cnn It opens ok, but shows that the...
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    ADO recordset different than query

    I'm being told that this may be due to a wildcard of "*" in the SQL that needs to be "%" for ADO to recognize???
  15. C

    ADO recordset different than query

    Hello, I have an Access query that returns one record. However, using ADO I open the same query as a recordset and it gives no results(rs.EOF = true and rs.RecordCount =0??? Any ideas? Hoping that someone has had this happen and can explain without posting all the code. Dim cn As New...
  16. C

    SQL Server Access linked DefaultValue not showing up.

    Thanks!!! Wayne, Thanks for testing that. That's a great idea. I will test that out and let you know. I appreciate your help.
  17. C

    Step Directly into Function/Procedure

    DrSnuggles, Alright! I'll try that. Will save be a boat-load of time. Not to mention my poor fingers that are getting a serious work-out. You know how valuable energy is when you're planted in a chair all day!!!! Thanks!
  18. C

    Step Directly into Function/Procedure

    Hello, I'm doing some testing of a function and would like to run the function directly without going through all the steps it takes to get to that point in the clicking buttons and selecting records and such. Is the a way to locate the function I want to test and run it...
  19. C

    set rs = nothing really necessary

    Thanks for your help. I will repost when I get the time.
  20. C

    SQL Server Access linked DefaultValue not showing up.

    Hello, Any thoughts on how to get Access to recognize the DefaultValues set in SQL Server? I have default values set up in SQL, but when I open the Access table in Design, they're not showing up. The Required property of the field comes through but not the DefaultValues? This is causing havoc...
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