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  1. P

    Right Click not working?

    Yes. I know. It still applies though and the module I described is still the main way and best way I've found to hide the MSAccess menu system and make the MSAccess file work in true popup fashion without any MSAccess menus. I searched throughout the web for a solution to the...
  2. P

    Right Click not working?

    Note: I use the module below to make MSAccess work like a true popup (without any background type form or any upper menus). I call the function fSetAccessWindow in the onOpen event of my initial form. Example in OnOpen event of my initial popup form... Call Module2.fSetAccessWindow(2) or Call...
  3. P

    fixing the mandatory vertical scrollbar space problem

    VBA is very, very alive. I've just finished designing a Medical Research database (similar to the Epic software that all the hospitals use) except my application does so much more than Epic's software does (and it's fun to use versus watching a black/shades of black and white screen.
  4. P

    Application icon in task bar in office 2010

    Just a comment when implementing an icon to represent your MSAccess application. When you select File -> Options -> Current Database and select an Application Icon, I found that *.ico files (not *.jpg or *.bmp files) seem to work best. Also the *.ico files needs to be small (ie. 1 to 3kb)...
  5. P

    Access 2010 Date Picker Replacement

    Here's a revised version with buttons to change the month or year and the ability to double-click on a date in the CalendarPopUp form. Also a 2003 version.
  6. P

    Access 2010 Date Picker Replacement

    This is a NON-ActiveX based and NON-API based Calendar looking form replacement for the Date Picker control in MSAccess 2010 (which requires you to click on a date field and then a calendar button to show the popup calendar). Since Access 2010 removed the mscal.ocx activeX control, the Access...
  7. P

    Is it ok to have Field names with spaces?

    I thought it was somebody playing a joke on me when they showed me the db.
  8. P

    Is it ok to have Field names with spaces?

    I would highly, HIGHLY recommend NOT using spaces (or other odd characters such as: !@#$%^&*(). If you do a lot of coding, spaces becomes a pain to deal with using brackets all the time and it doesn't pay to spend hours and hours troubleshooting syntax just because there's spaces or other odd...
  9. P

    Query doesn't show any new records!

    If you have criteria in the query based off a form value, you'd probably want to issue the me.requery command in the AfterUpdate of the field that the criteria in the query is based off of. Sometimes when you don't see new records, it can be due to a blank value in the table. Consider making...
  10. P

    Fill combo box from new record automatically

    Anther way is to store the 'RecordID' (probably the autonumber field) to some variable and then do a docmd.findrecord. ex (on the subform): SomeVariable = me!RecordID (somevariable is declared under option explicit for the form) .... something.... then code to find existing record...
  11. P

    setting default value

    You could use an IF in code to set the default value (possibly in an afterUpdate or some other event.) ex: if [SomeField]="SomeValue" then me.SomeOtherField.DefaultValue = "=" & me!XXField * me!YYField else me.SomeOtherField.DefaultValue = "=" & me!VVField + me!AAField end if or something like...
  12. P

    carriage returns

    If I need to populate a value with a carriage return, I'll write something like this: me!Somefield = "This is the first line" & vbcrlf & "This is the 2nd line." or me!Somefield = "This is the first line" & vbclrf & "This is the 2nd line." (I get it mixed up if it's vbcrlf or vbclrf but...
  13. P

    Opening an excel sheet maximized

    Couldn't you just shell to the worksheet itself? ie.. Shell "c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office12\Excel " & "C:\MyExcelFolder\MyExcelFile.xls",vbmaximized
  14. P

    Adding Data to Query

    Not sure I fully understand but here are a couple of things I typically do: 1. Have an unbound combobox (ie. in the header of the form) so that when a user selects a value, I requery the recordset (me.requery) which has criteria in that recordset to return only records where the key field...
  15. P

    value to be lookup not primary ID

    Couldn't you just make this a query where Type=13 and save it (ie. TypeIs13QueryName). Then when appropriate, set the rowsource name of the combobox to this query name: ie. me.MyComboboxName.rowsource = "TypeIs13QueryName" If there's another situation, set the rowsource query to another...
  16. P

    Question Web Usage and Access 2003

    If you're trying to maximize the potential of the mdb with as little band-width as possible, I might suggest the following: 1. Create a split front-end/back-end. Put the back-end on SQL Server, link in the SQL Server tables to the front-end, and put the front-end in MSAccess on the each user's...
  17. P

    replicated & non-replicated tables

    David, Here's a few key working examples of mine within the link above (must have 2000 or 2003/XP, (not 97). You might find them interesting: (script to prevent locked *.ldb files from EVER happening - you can 100's of users using the same...
  18. P

    How to Not sync 5 tables in a 4 set replica?

    I fully agree with David. A WHERE clause is always preferred versus a filter or any other seek/find type command. I've seen lots and lots of issues with filtering but never with a where type statement. With a where clause, you're essentially limiting the recordset to the criteria in the where...
  19. P

    replicated & non-replicated tables

    David, {edited - some original comments made that were non-professional} I have in my signature that I started with Access 1.0. I don't expect that to mean anything to you or anyone else (before that, probably like you, I was designing dbase applications back in mid 80's). I could've...
  20. P

    replicated & non-replicated tables

    {edited - some original comments made that were non-professional} What a freakin ego. I can also say that I have thousands of posts. That means nothing. ("show me the money"!) But I've also posted several, several coding snippets as well as full applications to help others. You can google my...
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