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  1. FluffyKitten


    Oh lord, I hate bullies. We have just had a new manager start in our department and knowing someone from her previous workplace, I found out that she was constantly being warned about bullying in the workplace. It seems she left there before she was forced out! Now, today she has started. I...
  2. FluffyKitten

    Best / Worst Advice

    I was sent this from a friend and i remember my granny talking about some of this, it was headed Advice for employing women in 1943: Eleven Tips on Getting More Efficiency Out of Women Employees: There's no longer any question whether transit companies should hire women for jobs formerly held...
  3. FluffyKitten


    Hi I'm fairly new to working with SQL as a be to my db. The SQL db has several views that need to be accessed through the fe. Someone has advised me to use Indexing to deal with this, however, the small amount of information I am able to find on the internet hints that you would need to...
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