Access 2000 and XP Runtime campatability (1 Viewer)



I have a customer who runs Office 2000 and has decieded to skip the Office XP upgrade. THey have an application written in Access 2000 running on a number of PCs in native Access but want to run it on PCs without Office installed. I had planned on "compiling" the app using the Office 2000 Developer Edition but found I cannot buy it. I can get the XP Developer Edition but I wonder if it will "compile" a 2000 app and still leave compatable with the Office 2000 Access installations?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:38
Feb 19, 2002
The Developer's edition doesn't "compile" anything. IT MAKES NO CHANGES WHATSOEVER to your db. All it does is give you a license to distribute the runtime version of MSAccess.exe so that PC's that don't have the full retail version of MSAccess.exe can still run your db.

If you purchase the XP Developer's edition, you can install that on PC's without a retail version of Access installed. The presence or absence of Office has no bearing on this problem.

XP is a far better version of Access than A2K.

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