Adding fields in 2 records into new record (1 Viewer)

Robert Saye

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:03
Jun 19, 2000
Hello all,

I have a baseball statistics database I downloaded off the web. I found several errors I
am trying to correct. I ran a find duplicates query on the batting statistics, and found
about 50. For some reason the data is correct if the two fields are added together.
One record will have 30 at bats and the other will have 77, and the correct number is
107. I know how to open the recordset in VBA, but how would I add only certain fields
together? I only need to add certain fields, not PlayerID or TeamID etc... Any ideas?
I should have stated that the combination of records that are
duplicates have the same PlayerID, TeamID, and Year. So the fields are the prior 3,
and the rest are what I want to add together. (AB, hits, 2b, 3b, HR, BB etc...)

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