Audit trail - subform


New member
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Yesterday, 21:37
Oct 1, 2005
I have search the forum for a solution but I having a little difficulty understand some of soultions provided.

Getting the Audit trail, created g G Hudson work magnificently on a main form, to work on my subform called subformMovements is giving me a little grief.

I dont really know how to fix my problem. I have attached a copy of my DB is someone who like to give me a hand to figure it out.

I would be grateful for somehelp.


Sorry it took so long, I had to bypass your security.
Changes made to both your subform beforeuupdate event and your module.
If you look at the movements table Audit field you will see where I made an entry to test results.
I hope this will help you out.


Last edited:
Thank you so muchDang

Ive attached the correct version this time. The subform which has the Ausit trail is called subfrmMovements.


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