Bad Optics, the Stone Around Conservative Necks (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 22:32
Jul 5, 2006
Over the past several days, events have occurred that have caused a massive supernova in political optics to the detriment of conservatives.
Democrats did not waste anytime magnifying the meeting as a deplorable event and condemning it.

Not be outdone, RHINO Republicans and Never-Trumpers gleefully jumped-on the condemnation chorus to demonstrate their moral virtue.

MediaBuzz had an excellent discussion, below is a portion of it.
In another MediaBuzz segment concerning Musk's Twitter exposure dump, the Democratic party strangest person respond that this was a non-story and that conservative were essentially ghouls for first, denigrating Hunter Biden who has health concerns and second, for spreading pornography over Twitter. Essentially implying that Hunter Biden story should be censored on Twitter. Additionally, Howard Kurtz made a faux pas, see comment below.

As a side note to Republicans inexplicably sabotaging themselves, which also allows Democrats to aggrandize their "optical" themes
Howard Kurtz asked a Democratic party strategist about Walkers apparent misspeaks. Nothing wrong with asking that question. What was reprehensible, Kurtz never asked her to explain Warnock's misspeaks or questionable actions.

Another unearned error. Unfortunately, there is no fix to a hijacked election. Trump keeping this concern "alive", is not going well.

The first obvious lesson from this post. Republicans need to think about the potential adverse optics that their proposed actions may create. This failure to think ahead may cause Walker to loose the Georgia election.
Previously, the Senate loss by Loeffler and Purdue. Also in 2018 the election of Doug Jones, a Democrat, as the Senator from Alabama, may have been the result of Trump's arrogance and "interference". Today, the loss of Tshibaka, Laxalt, Masters, and Bolduc has been attributed, in part, to McConnell (as an ego play) to prevent their election so that McConnell would not be unseated as the Senate Majority Leader. If valid, this would be a loathsome example of self-aggrandizement at the expense of protecting the Nation from the autocratic Democratic Party rule.
Second, the majority of the media (including social media) is purposely "blind" to racism, antisemitism, corruption, and lawlessness committed by Democrats. Biden and Obama have a documented history of racism and ignoring the Constitution, yet those stories are suppressed.
To me, looking from here across the pond, I get the impression that they Republicans are still not in charge of the narrative.
The best explanation for what is going on with the republicans;)

... Republicans are still not in charge of the narrative
A bit difficult as the media is openly "attacking" Republicans and censoring news adverse to Democrats. In the last several presidential debates, the so-called moderators where openly hostile to Trump and even spineless Romney. Now that the elections are over and Biden "won", the media that lied has started to acknowledge "corrections". Unfortunately, too late to do any good. Republicans need to get control of the narrative.

It is difficult to be in charge of the narrative when the vast majority of media has a Democrat leaning. Throw in the social media companies too, and Hollywood celebrities with their huge platform for publicity, and it will always be an uphill battle. For me, the question is not so much what the narrative is, but do you buy it or not (i.e. believe it).
Who knows if the Kardashians put Kanye up to embarassing Trump by threatening to keep his children away from him? Maybe he did it deliberately because he's mad that Trump challenged him? Maybe he is as stupid as he sounds when he speaks and got played himself by the Holocaust denyer.

Trump, on the other hand ought to know better by now than to say something as stupid as what he said about the Constitution. 2020 isn't coming back. There is no way to turn back the clock and fix this wrong. The best outcome would be to to prevent it from happening again and he has no shot at that if he makes himself unelectable.
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There was no 'wrong' to fix. There was no systemic election fraud. The 2020 election was just as valid as the one that elected Trump. If anyone was robbed it was Clinton who won the popular vote. A president who is capable of exhorting his supporters to attack the capital in an attempt to keep himself in office will never 'know better'. Stupid, corrupt, and egomaniacal to the core.
There was no 'wrong' to fix. There was no systemic election fraud.

Russian collusion, where the democrats, FBI, and even Muller knew it was bull, but they went forward in hopes to subvert the vote.

Now we have the revelation that Twitter, Facebook, the FBI again, and the democrats all conspired to rig the election by censoring conservatives.

BTW people have been rigging elections since Lincoln was shot in ford's theater.
There was no systemic election fraud.
What exactly do you mean by "systemic" election fraud? Do you even know or is that just a talking point? Do you think thousands of people have to have weekly meetings to talk about how they're going to cheat? The 2020 election swung on ~ 20,000 ballots over 5 states, not millions. There were 20,000+ illegal ballots counted in Arizona alone. Trump got 10 million more votes than he got in 2016, an amazing result for a second term. Biden couldn't get a hundred people to show up at a rally, not that he even bothered to campaign. Seems like he knew the fix was in.

19,000 Late, Invalid Ballots Were Counted in Arizona 2020 Election: Report — rupreparing

Look a this breakdown:
On Oct. 28, the county received 58,500 ballots from the post office, then:
  • Oct. 29: 14,500
  • Oct. 30: 10,500
  • Oct. 31: 6,000
  • Nov. 1: 1,500
  • Nov. 2: 1,000
  • Nov. 3: 2,500—Election Day. In order to be counted and valid, the ballot must be received by the county no later than 7 p.m.
  • Nov. 4: 18,000 late, invalid ballots
  • Nov. 5: 1,000 late, invalid ballots
  • Nov. 6: 1,500 late, invalid ballots
Notice the drop off as election day approaches. Then whoa nelly. 18,000 miraculously arrive the day AFTER the election. Maybe someone thought Trump might win and so they needed to play catch up:( This is why we have rules but apparently, rules don't apply to everyone. The Supreme Court really let us down on this one by refusing to even hear cases like this one. They didn't hear the case and decide for the defendant. They didn't dismiss the case on its merits. They flatly refused to even hear the case because they did not want to have to rule in favor of that evil orange man.

Our system is NOT to count all ballots but to count all legal ballots. Again we refer to one of Stalin's henchmen for a famous quote - " it isn't the people who cast the ballots who determine the winner, it is the people who count the ballots"

Every one of the 6 battle ground states that decided the election had similar types of irregularities including the ballot stuffing documented by 2000 mules.
One aspect concerning the "optics" game has been the disinterest in many so-called journalist in uncovering the truth. Fortunately, Miranda Devine has been aggressive in "unpeeling the onion" to expose the truth. The firing of Baker also exposes the blatant existence of pro-Democratic partisans actively managing "optics" by manipulating facts to censor conservatives.
“In light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today,” Musk tweeted Tuesday.
Over the past several days, events have occurred that have caused a massive supernova in political optics to the detriment of conservatives.
Democrats did not waste anytime magnifying the meeting as a deplorable event and condemning it.

Not be outdone, RHINO Republicans and Never-Trumpers gleefully jumped-on the condemnation chorus to demonstrate their moral virtue.

MediaBuzz had an excellent discussion, below is a portion of it.
In another MediaBuzz segment concerning Musk's Twitter exposure dump, the Democratic party strangest person respond that this was a non-story and that conservative were essentially ghouls for first, denigrating Hunter Biden who has health concerns and second, for spreading pornography over Twitter. Essentially implying that Hunter Biden story should be censored on Twitter. Additionally, Howard Kurtz made a faux pas, see comment below.

As a side note to Republicans inexplicably sabotaging themselves, which also allows Democrats to aggrandize their "optical" themes
Howard Kurtz asked a Democratic party strategist about Walkers apparent misspeaks. Nothing wrong with asking that question. What was reprehensible, Kurtz never asked her to explain Warnock's misspeaks or questionable actions.

Another unearned error. Unfortunately, there is no fix to a hijacked election. Trump keeping this concern "alive", is not going well.

The first obvious lesson from this post. Republicans need to think about the potential adverse optics that their proposed actions may create. This failure to think ahead may cause Walker to loose the Georgia election.
Previously, the Senate loss by Loeffler and Purdue. Also in 2018 the election of Doug Jones, a Democrat, as the Senator from Alabama, may have been the result of Trump's arrogance and "interference". Today, the loss of Tshibaka, Laxalt, Masters, and Bolduc has been attributed, in part, to McConnell (as an ego play) to prevent their election so that McConnell would not be unseated as the Senate Majority Leader. If valid, this would be a loathsome example of self-aggrandizement at the expense of protecting the Nation from the autocratic Democratic Party rule.
Second, the majority of the media (including social media) is purposely "blind" to racism, antisemitism, corruption, and lawlessness committed by Democrats. Biden and Obama have a documented history of racism and ignoring the Constitution, yet those stories are suppressed.

I agree that a lot of it is optics.

To demonstrate, let's take some very isolated things that Kanye has said one by one.

Ye went on to mention that Planned Parenthood was engaged in “new world order population eugenics that is happening to this date.”
...Okay, that's not really shocking in my opinion. The idea that Planned Parenthood is essentially involved in eugenics to lower the population of black people is a widespread view of Christians, on whom the reality that the founder of Planned Parenthood was openly racist and openly stated that to BE the purpose of the organizations (combined with the stats on who gets abortions most), is not lost.

“I see good things about Hitler, also,” the rapper who changed his legal name to Ye told Jones on Thursday. “Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”

“I was thinking about Satan,” Ye continued. “Whether it’s the Zionists or Hitler — it’s not the person. It’s Satan using the people, who are controlled by demonic forces.”

Ye elaborated, telling Jones: “The Jewish media has made us feel like the Nazis and Hitler have never offered anything of value to the world.”

Let's take those statements one by one.
"'s not the person. It's Satan using the people, who are controlled by demonic forces". Well that's not shocking, many people of various faiths and religions, including Christians, believe that there is an evil entity called "Satan" who works in the hearts and minds of human beings to accomplish his desires. Thus, I would (broadly speaking) agree precisely with Kanye's statement.

"The Jewish media has made us feel like the Nazis and Hitler have never offered anything of value to the world"
Well I'm not sure about the Jewish media part, but strictly speaking, he's not wrong.
The Nazis and Hitler may have been horrible, awful, despicable people who committed horrible, awful, despicable acts - but, technically speaking, like every human being, they probably did some good things too.
Can you personally prove that no Nazi in the history of time ever did anything good for anyone? Never even helped an old lady cross the street or donated money to the poor? Of course you can't.

His statements may be useless in the sense that they cause more shock and anger than they do good, but many of them are not STRICTLY speaking, wrong.

Whether there is some conspiracy among Jews to rise to the top - or whether it's just a coincidence that they tend to rise to the top - or whether it's just a normal result of their personal good choices and hard work, like Asians - I honestly have no idea.
But I would suspect it's probably the latter of the 3.

I DO notice, of course, like everyone else does, that Asians in the US tend to rise to success and prosperity at a rate surpassing every single other person group. But, I've also seen their work ethic and determination and personal choices - thus, I can safely conclude it's not some conspiracy, it's just sowing and reaping principles, and good for them.

Interestingly, we can learn something here about the "racism discussion" in the US.

You know how certain liberals are claiming that some minorities' lack of success is because of racism? When half the country can clearly see it's a result of their own day to day personal choices, while granted the exact same opportunities as everyone else is?

Okay - in the same way that most people react, "Kanye is crazy. Jewish people are successful because of their work effort and determination, not because of any grand conspiracy"............That EXACT SAME PRINCIPLE ought to once and for all answer the question about systemic racism, using its application in the reverse.
No, you're not poor because of systemic racism, any more than Asians are successful because of any grand "Asian Conspiracy".
You're poor because what it takes to not be poor is to wake up every day and go to the same job consistently over a period of time and be professional and hard working and obedient to the bosses and work hard until you get promoted to move to the next higher paying job.
And some people are diligently working that system and some people aren't. Period.

It's funny how people can easily see how wrong it is to attribute Jews' success to some conspiracy instead of work ethic and determination, but they struggle to see the exact same principle apply to debunk the myth of systemic racism.
It's almost like you could make a cartoon, showing the ridiculousness of these two things at once:


"Oh Kanye West is so crazy, of course Jews aren't successful because of some systemic conspiracy, they're successful because they quietly and with great determination conform to the system required of them to be successful with a lot of hard work and planning and determination"

"There is a grand conspiracy of systemic racism in the United States that is mysteriously making certain races known for being successful while others are much more often in poverty"

...only a liberal somehow thinks both things at once
...only a liberal somehow thinks both things at once
And only a liberal refuses to see that dark skinned immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean seem to do quite well in the US and do not consider Americans to be racists. If they did, they'd be pretty stupid for working so hard to immigrate here. Perhaps the reason is that unlike blacks born in inner cities here, they weren't raised to be victims. They were raised to do what it takes to succeed.

Going back to Planned Parenthood. They deliberately place their facilities in poor inner city areas. The better to cast their net. The statistics are alarming to say the least. In many inner city areas, there are fewer live births than abortions in the black community. And finally, black women have abortions at almost three times the rate of white women. Perhaps it is because of the "Great Society" and how it punishes families for having a resident father figure. These are the "moral" Democrat policies at work. Margaret Sanger would be so proud:(
And only a liberal refuses to see that dark skinned immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean seem to do quite well in the US and do not consider Americans to be racists. If they did, they'd be pretty stupid for working so hard to immigrate here. Perhaps the reason is that unlike blacks born in inner cities here, they weren't raised to be victims. They were raised to do what it takes to succeed.

Going back to Planned Parenthood. They deliberately place their facilities in poor inner city areas. The better to cast their net. The statistics are alarming to say the least. In many inner city areas, there are fewer live births than abortions in the black community. And finally, black women have abortions at almost three times the rate of white women. Perhaps it is because of the "Great Society" and how it punishes families for having a resident father figure. These are the "moral" Democrat policies at work. Margaret Sanger would be so proud:(
Well spoken - and good point, the book Taboo discusses the first point you made in great statistical detail.
Black immigrants to this country are in something like the absolute highest or almost the highest percentile of income in the nation, surpassing even whites and to some extent Asians, depending on how it is calculated.
Obviously, whatever phenomenon people are calling "racism" seems to be relegated to only a certain few..
The optics game and shadow banning is once again burning brightly. Musk is now releasing new information on how Twitter shadow banned conservatives thereby suppressing conservative viewpoints which only leaves left wing "optics" (viewpoints) available for the public. Had the public been aware of how the media was massaging the optics of facts, the 2020 election may have turned-out differently. I was pleased to see Larry Elder repeat the Harry Reid line; when asked asked why he (Reid) lied, he responded (paraphrased) with a terse: "We won". For Democrats the ends justify the means. So lying and spewing false optics are perfectly acceptable as a means of winning.
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Do you think thousands of people have to have weekly meetings to talk about how they're going to cheat?
Apparently that was actually happening. Who knew:( While Trump was President, "his" executive branch was doing their best to erase him. And they succeeded.

Let this be a lesson to all future presidents.

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