Basic Set up (1 Viewer)



I am working on setting up my Access. I cannot seem to get a handle on how to set up the tables. We are a service company and I have been give 4 different job routers sheets. The end product will be a database that has a form to enter initials, run time and completion date for each of a various number of steps. The form will look like the router sheets.

So.... I have the simple tables:
Customers, (ID, Name, Address, etc.)
Operator (ID, Initials, FName, LNames)
Jobs (ID, Cust PO#, Due Date, Rcvd Date, Quanty, Notes)

Now I'm at a loss. The Customer will order 15 widgets cut in one of 4 different styles. My Job Router will show which style of cut and then list the 9 to 18 steps to accomplish the job. The operator will fill in the run time, his initials, and the completion date.

How do I set it up?

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