Biden is a dick.... (1 Viewer)

Wow, that's terrible, if true.
But remember, 95% of what liberals call our "consipracy theories" come true. With a track record like that, I believe this video.

I remember how looooooooooooooooooooooong the liberal news media tried and tried and tried to say that free crack pipes being handed out was a conspiracy theory, until finally the proof was 100% undeniable, they just moved on to another story, with very few admitting it was never a conspiracy theory at all
The video left out the part where he asked people to go to his go fund me page. It also doesn't have the part about how he wasn't charged.
I am not trying to justify anything but if the original video included a request to go to a go fund me page, it was because the soldier though he was going to have to pay for the gear. I'm pretty sure you can't go back and edit the video or find all the people who have reposted it so it is what it is. I'm glad the guy who posted the video didn't include the go fund me link but it should have included the resolution that the man didn't actually have to pay for the gear because the Army fixed up its records. However, if the go fund me page didn't refund all donations and is still active, that would be a crime.

I am not surprised that the army tried to get the soldier to pay for the gear. I am also not surprised that he didn't have to pay once the situation was cleared up. So, I agree, this may be misinformation because it ignores the resolution and is intended to inflame the listener. But, do we know when the video was made and when the government agreed to write off the equipment rather than to charge the soldier because that is the only way to determine if this is actual misinformation?

Personally, I think Biden should have been charged $85 billion for all the gear he purposefully left in Afghanistan.

PS, we can't personally blame Biden for this. The military has rules and they are intended to prevent OUR money from being wasted by careless personnel.
PS, we can't personally blame Biden for this. The military has rules and they are intended to prevent OUR money from being wasted by careless personnel.
It's been around for a long time. Google FlipL. I think it's intent is to prevent stealing equipment on your way out the door. If you don't turn it in, you get charged. Fill out the form explaining where it went, it gets checked out, it gets removed from the bill.

Afghanistan was 7 billion left behind. Vietnam they left 5 billion behind.
The video left out the part where he asked people to go to his go fund me page. It also doesn't have the part about how he wasn't charged.

And why did they decide not to charge him Moke?
I knew when I saw the video that the soldier was not going to have to pay as long as the paperwork showed up.

On the other hand, our exit from Afghanistan should have been orderly. It was not. A 12 year old girl could have figured out that you evacuate civilians first, then equipment, and last - active military. There was no reason to leave guns and ammo and night vision goggles and who knows what else for the Afghans to use against us and what they don't personally want, sell to terrorists to kill people with and to the Chinese to figure out how our equipment works. ALL working equipment should have been evacuated or destroyed prior to the exit date. Our planes fly empty all the time and it's not like we didn't know we were leaving. Viet Nam was a different problem. Our last we should have been dropping a bomb on each of our bases to make them useless to the Taliban and the Chinese. THAT mess falls totally on Biden. If he ignored the military recommendations, shame on him. If the military recommended this sequence of evacuation, shame on them and shame on Biden for being stupid and thinking this was a good plan. And finally, why haven't the military men been fired yet if they are to blame for the fiasco and loss of life?

Evacuating from an airport that we didn't control was the final flaw in the plan. I really hate the thought that these same people are in charge of my safety. Their stupidity is astounding.
I was contemplating posting this under Attack on Israel, but it seems appropriate here too.
You know, I have to argue with the title of this thread. The comparison is unfair to all other dicks. At least they stand up for the right reason SOME of the time.
Adults who are "offended" by crass language are pretending so they can show their moral superiority.

We now have mobs in Michigan shouting "Death to America" and that is who Biden is pandering to.
You know, I have to argue with the title of this thread. The comparison is unfair to all other dicks. At least they stand up for the right reason SOME of the time.
According to the video montage Tera posted a year or two ago of actual Biden videos of him around very small girl children, his gets a little action some of the time too, unfortunately
I shudder to recall the videos, but yes I saw that.

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