I have some very old code that populates a number of Bound ole frames, which suddenly has stopped working in Windows 11.
The critical code is the last two statements at the end
strDum = "Ole" & lngCounter & "1"
frm(strDum) = rst!oleBMP
frm is passed as a parameter "frm As Form"
strDum = "Ole181" ' Where Ole181 = name of Ole container
rst!oleBMP is the specific BMP where oleBMP is of Type OLE Object in tblBMPs
The critical code is the last two statements at the end
strDum = "Ole" & lngCounter & "1"
frm(strDum) = rst!oleBMP
frm is passed as a parameter "frm As Form"
strDum = "Ole181" ' Where Ole181 = name of Ole container
rst!oleBMP is the specific BMP where oleBMP is of Type OLE Object in tblBMPs
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rstTemp As Recordset
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strDum As String
Dim strDum2 As String 'Holds 3 character from txtTeethStatusCurrent
Dim lngDum2 As Long 'Holds the converted strDum2 to a long number
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblBMPs", dbOpenDynaset)
'Handle Teeth 11-18. Will step through first 8 6's of txtTeethStatusCurrent
For lngCounter = 18 To 11 Step -1
'Step first through the second 3 characters of each 6-character group
Select Case strCOS
Case "C"
strDum2 = Mid(frm!txtTeethStatusCurrent, ((19 - lngCounter) * 6) - 2, 3)
Case "O"
strDum2 = Mid(frm!txtTeethStatusOriginal, ((19 - lngCounter) * 6) - 2, 3)
Case "S"
strDum2 = Mid(Forms!frmDentalInfo!subEstimate.Form!txtTeethStatusSchedule, ((19 - lngCounter) * 6) - 2, 3)
End Select
lngDum2 = Val(strDum2) + (lngCounter * 10000) + 1000
strCriterion = "lngBMPID = " & lngDum2
'Locate the appropriate entry in tblBMPs
rst.FindFirst strCriterion
If rst.NoMatch Then
'MsgSub (30074)
strDum = "Ole" & lngCounter & "1"
frm(strDum) = rst!oleBMP
End If
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