Breaking News: Trump shot (4 Viewers)

Today, legal immigrants are pretty much on their own and are only allowed to immigrate if they are not going to be a burden on society. But illegal immigrants are somehow allowed to suck at the teat of our welfare system. What is wrong with that picture and why are the legal immigrants not totally p***** off about the whole totally unfair situation?
Yeah, because they do the work that wouldn't get done without them?

If you put some superglue on that broken record, it might help.
I think they ARE - and that's why you have Latino vote continually increasing for Trump, despite his strong immigration positions
Of course they are, they are acting like the old white carpenters in the 1970s and 80s. I think it is hard to get a consensus across the board.
I read a scathing article from MSNBC about his book, Hilbily Elegy, which then made me really want to read the book (knowing then that it was good) so just ordered from Amazon for $7
I think there is a 2 hour documentary on Netflix about the him and the book. It's aptly named Hillbilly Elegy. I'll take a look at it tonight.
I watched Hillbilly Elegy on NetFlix last night. I enjoyed the insights into how tough of a journey he had growing up. I just kept thinking how lucky I was to have such good parents without hardly any drama at all. Ma Maw was instrumental in pulling him out of a bad situation with his drug addicted mother so he could concentrate on school work and show the world what he was really made of. He still did whatever he could for his mother in spite of her destructive actions.
Yeah, because they do the work that wouldn't get done without them?
You persist in conflating ILLEGAL immigrants who are ALL criminals (every single one of them) with legal immigrants who are not. Also, because illegal immigrants are all criminals and they KNOW they have broken the law, they break more laws simply to work at slave wages. This is what you consider moral? OK.
Pat, it's a lost cause with him.
Because you are trying to pass off the lies on me. The system is broken, it's been broken. But republicans and democrats alike are unwilling to fix it.
Because they have turned it into a perpetual campaign issue. You people are just the right kind of sheep to baaa in the new savior. With a fence LOL
You persist in conflating ILLEGAL immigrants who are ALL criminals (every single one of them) with legal immigrants who are not. Also, because illegal immigrants are all criminals and they KNOW they have broken the law, they break more laws simply to work at slave wages. This is what you consider moral? OK.
You are incapable of listening to any facts that contradicts your beliefs.

So keep on repeating the same old brainwashed position.

I devised a plan over 20 years to fix this and it definitely would have worked. But people Like you, would rather claim the American Communist are to blame so we can keep from taking acer of the real problems we are facing.

It's hard to imagine you actually think people other than MAGA agree with the brainwashing. It has taken the two weakest opponents in history to help you get your MAGA god elected.

I would bet a thousand dollars, that without this prompt, you would not ask me about my solution. Because only the God Trump can solve it.
I'm saving my popcorn for the Democrat convention where they try and knock Kamoola out of the race.
The only thing worse than Bobblehead winning might be Greasy Hair.
Greasy Hair is more dangerous because he doesn't sound like he is on drugs every time he opens his mouth.

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