"Can't save record" error (3186)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:10
Jul 17, 2001
We have an old Access 97 database that is bringing up the error "Couldn't save; currently locked by user 'Admin' on
> machine '******'. (Error 3186)."

This occurs when two users are in the same form (a subform, actually) and the one user tries to exit after having entered a new record.

The database is set as muli-user and I have the Default Record Locking set to "Edited Record" (it had been set to "No Locks" previously--the error occurs on either setting). Other settings seem OK.

I've done some research and tried different things but to no avail.

Any ideas?


First, user 'admin' bothers me. That suggests that one of your users isn't connecting to the right workgroup file. OR that the database in question wasn't properly secured, because the above couldn't happen if it had been secured correctly.

What I think is going on is this: When your problem user connects with the wrong workgroup, they must be using the default workgroup, for which the Access session's username is always Admin no matter who YOU are. Admin on a default database has the right to do an OpenExclusive, so that would lock up a lot of things and would leave the rest of the database users set to read-only.

Of course, I've been known to be wrong before...
Thanks for your reply.

Actually, we are using the default work group so "Admin" will be show no matter who the user is.

I did forget to mention that this does not seem to happen for me (I do not get the error message), but only for the other users. I do not see any differences in the settings between us.

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