If any of the Connection parameters to the SQL Server is wrong then I get prompted to enter the SQL server password.
Is there a way to check for the presence of the SQL Server without the user being prompted for the password.
I use a DSNless connection from A365 to SQL Server Express and the following code creates linked tables for all the tables stored in tblTableList
Is there a way to check for the presence of the SQL Server without the user being prompted for the password.
I use a DSNless connection from A365 to SQL Server Express and the following code creates linked tables for all the tables stored in tblTableList
'Go through all tables in tblTableList
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "tblTableList", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then
Do While Not (rst.EOF)
'Need Server name, Username, Password
stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server;SERVER=" & strServerWithPathname & ";UID=" & strUsername & ";Trusted_Connection=No;" _
& "APP=Microsoft Office;DATABASE=VF3;PWD=" & strPassword & ";TABLE=" & rst!strFETable & ""
Set tdf = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(rst!strFETable, dbAttachSavePWD, rst!strBETable, stConnect)
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append tdf
End If