Closing a form unwillingly edits first record in table (1 Viewer)


Still struggling
Local time
Today, 18:18
Feb 10, 2011
I have a form that is used to only add new records, and I noticed this odd behavior even though I haven't been able to reproduce it on purpose.

Basically there's a button to save the new record (for which the data is entered via a few combo boxes and text boxes), and only leave visible another button to add a new one.

When it misbehaves, basically a field in the first (i.e.: oldest) record in the table inherits the value from one of the comboboxes. I think, but I'm not certain, this happens after the new record is saved - as if after saving it the "bookmark" goes back to the first record in the table - and the form is closed.

It seems complex but actually it isn't, so here goes the code for this:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim ctl As Control
Dim decorrenza As String

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim ctl As Control

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
    For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    ctl.Visible = True
    Next ctl
    Debug.Print Me.OpenArgs
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
    Me.IDCliente = Me.OpenArgs
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cboMese_AfterUpdate()

If IsNull(Me.cboAnno) Then
decorrenza = Switch(Me.cboMese = "GEN", "01/01/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "FEB", "01/02/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "MAR", "01/03/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "APR", "01/04/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "MAG", "01/05/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "GIU", "01/06/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "LUG", "01/07/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "AGO", "01/08/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "SET", "01/09/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "OTT", "01/10/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "NOV", "01/11/" & Year(Date), _
                    Me.cboMese = "DIC", "01/12/" & Year(Date))
decorrenza = Switch(Me.cboMese = "GEN", "01/01/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "FEB", "01/02/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "MAR", "01/03/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "APR", "01/04/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "MAG", "01/05/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "GIU", "01/06/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "LUG", "01/07/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "AGO", "01/08/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "SET", "01/09/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "OTT", "01/10/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "NOV", "01/11/" & Me.cboAnno, _
                    Me.cboMese = "DIC", "01/12/" & Me.cboAnno)
End If

Debug.Print Me.cboMese

Me.txtDataDecorrenza = decorrenza

End Sub

Private Sub cboAnno_AfterUpdate()

If (decorrenza = "") Or (decorrenza = Null) Then
decorrenza = "01/01/" & Me.cboAnno
decorrenza = Mid(decorrenza, 1, 6) & Me.cboAnno
End If

Me.txtDataDecorrenza = decorrenza

End Sub

Private Sub cmdConferma_Click()

Dim cdb As DAO.Database
Dim tbl As DAO.Recordset
Dim tbl_copy As DAO.Recordset

If IsNull(Me.cboNominativo) Then
    MsgBox "Devi inserire un nominativo!", 0, "Attenzione!"
    If IsNull(Me.cboAnno) Or IsNull(Me.cboMese) Then
        MsgBox "Devi inserire il periodo ricetta!", 0, "Attenzione!"
        If IsNull(Me.cboValore) Or (Me.cboValore = "") Then
            MsgBox "Devi inserire il valore ricetta!", 0, "Attenzione!"
            'Se il box doppia ricetta è checkato, crea 2 record uguali
            If Me.chkdoppia = -1 Then
                Set cdb = CurrentDb
                Set tbl = cdb.OpenRecordset("Clienti_Ricette")
                Set tbl_copy = cdb.OpenRecordset("Clienti_Ricette")
                tbl.FindFirst "IDRicetta = " & Me.IDRicetta
                tbl_copy.Fields("IDCliente") = tbl.Fields("IDCliente")
                tbl_copy.Fields("MeseRicetta") = tbl.Fields("MeseRicetta")
                tbl_copy.Fields("AnnoRicetta") = tbl.Fields("AnnoRicetta")
                tbl_copy.Fields("ValoreRicetta") = tbl.Fields("ValoreRicetta")
                tbl_copy.Fields("DataInserimento") = tbl.Fields("DataInserimento")
                tbl_copy.Fields("DataDecorrenza") = tbl.Fields("DataDecorrenza")
            End If
            'nasconde i controlli
            For Each ctl In Me.Controls
                If ctl.Name = "cmdNuovaRicetta" Then
                    ctl.Visible = True
                    If ctl.Name = "Auto_Logo0" Or ctl.Name = "Auto_Title0" Then
                        ctl.Visible = True
                        ctl.Visible = False
                    End If
                End If
            Next ctl
            DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
            MsgBox "Inserimento completato con successo.", 0, "Informazione"
            'Me.cboNominativo.Column(0) = 0
            decorrenza = ""
        End If
    End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdNuovaRicetta_Click()

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
ctl.Visible = True
Next ctl

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

End Sub


Still struggling
Local time
Today, 18:18
Feb 10, 2011
just found the problem was caused by an instruction on another form.

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