Combining records for calculations (1 Viewer)


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Today, 07:08
Nov 3, 2002
Newbie here, so please be patient with me...

here goes,

I am attempting to create a database that calculates seniority dates. Employees lose seniority when they get temporarily assigned to different offices. for example

if employee A was hired on Jan 1, 1990. that would be his seniority date. If he took an office job for lets say 31 days, his seniority date now becomes Feb 1, 1990, no matter when he took that month off the floor.

sounds simple but i cant seem to figure out how to make access calculate the dates. I created a basic table, employee name, add, hired date. Then I created a "Detail" DB. which has fields for start of detail, end of detail. I can make access do the math and let me know that 31 days should be subtracted. I can even make it subtract it. The problem comes when an individual has had more than 1 detail, Access will list them individually, giving the employee 2 seniority dates. Somehow i need to have MS figure out that this is one individual and total the times to subtract from the original date. and give me a report with ALL emplyees seniority dates.

really appreciate any help with this issue.....



Use a totals query, GroupBy employee, Max [YourDateField]

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