Constant hack attempts on AWF


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:14
Sep 28, 1999
Just thought I would let you guys get an insight into the constant hack attempts that go on regarding this site. Let's just look at the WordPress section. Checkout the image below showing how often the attacks happen. Eek!

Is that anything like when I log into my cable company router page, where it has (supposedly) hundreds of transactions every few hour that get 'blocked'....But I question whether that really means a bonified, verifiable attempt by someone to "hack" into my home system...and I really doubt it. (It could be true if I were someone extremely wealthy or famous, which I most certainly am not).
Don't network security systems these days cast a pretty "wide net" and err on the side of blocking? At least that's what I've found in anti virus systems (which I never use), for sure.
Same two scripts all the time as well?
You have to ask why people from India, Venezuela and Jamaica are on the WordPress login page.
This is fake location and fake IP numbers.
JON, you need to use personal browser and to contact with a security hacker who is checking security visible path/line in this website.
How do you know?
This is fake location and fake IP numbers.
JON, you need to use personal browser and to contact with a security hacker who is checking security visible path/line in this website.

Why do you say that as GeoIP Lookup Tool confirms the countries?
Any hacker have not use IP numbers current regional/state. They have to setup which country will be show in his location. its was own software setting.
While it's totally possible to use proxy software designed to alter the appearance of your IP/location, I'm not sure that all hackers even bother to do so.
It's possible that, if you are in Venezuela or India, you don't really care if your true IP is known. Not positive, but am sure that in some parts of the world, the consequences might be next to none, vs. in other parts of the world, where consequences might be severe.
It doesn't really matter what IP addresses they are. That is irrelevant. I am merely showing that we have tons of people from all over the world coming to the Wordpress login page. They want access!
While it's totally possible to use proxy software designed to alter the appearance of your IP/location, I'm not sure that all hackers even bother to do so.
It's possible that, if you are in Venezuela or India, you don't really care if your true IP is known. Not positive, but am sure that in some parts of the world, the consequences might be next to none, vs. in other parts of the world, where consequences might be severe.
Plus if it is a dynamic address, who is to say the person at that address when you track it down was the same person at that time.?
The whole internet is full of proxy ip addresses. I used to use them myself for internet marketing reasons in the past. Or if I was banned from somewhere. Or if I needed two accounts where only one was allowed. You can hire them based on country and city.

@Isaac is 100% accurate in saying that the hackers from third-world countries don't care about leaking their ip addresses. The governments don't care anyway, no resources to track anyone down, they can be sitting in an internet cafe doing it and so on.

Lets take a peak at what is going on today...


Interesting to see that we have a lot of people interested in Microsoft Access in Kenya!
I confess, in my early 20's, back when I tried every money making thing there was (medical billing, MLM, etc), one of my short-lived efforts was basically spam mailings. I did them on behalf of customers. (For anyone feigning offense, this was BEFORE basically any/all spam laws, like CAN-SPAM, came out!). I remember using some mailing service that often looked like I was in Korea! North or South, I don't remember. Glad that was short lived, I might have ended up violating all kinds of sanctions laws eventually!
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Every human has erred
Well, I don't mind revealing it, because back then there was nothing wrong or illegal about it. Spam only became a legislative target in our country at a certain point. Robo-calling used to be widely accepted too, times have changed.
You have to ask why people from India, Venezuela and Jamaica are on the WordPress login page.
ummmm....YOU DO? isn't it obvious!? by the way, is Xenfro's software using PHP's superglobals to get visitor info, or does the package have google's GEO-map API code integrated in it so that it can instantaneously read google's database to get what it needs?

I'm not sure that all hackers even bother to do so.
It's possible that, if you are in Venezuela or India, you don't really care if your true IP is known.
that's probably true. Those countries are littered with crime, and obviously a police force would not care about miniscule issues. And you can thank good old corporate America for that one!

The American FBI has a website called where you can submit information about crimes being reported. However, it is well known among people who have any sort of brain that the FBI is overwhelmed with crime in the USA, that anything not literally massive in scale simply gets logged into a database by the $15/hr clerk and it is never looked at again. They simply don't have the time or budget to care about the small stuff.
I reported a hack to the police in the UK regarding this forum. I used their online form. I never heard anything back except they didn't understand what I was saying. They didn't have a clue about what to do about it. You are correct, nothing in the budget for this sort of thing.
That's crazy - that they didn't understand what you were saying??
I once lived in Plano TX and used a police dept. online form to report something - never heard back , ever.
It was worse than hopeless. Sounds like yours is the same. I think I read that in London, 99% of thefts go unsolved.
It was worse than hopeless. Sounds like yours is the same. I think I read that in London, 99% of thefts go unsolved.
that's because they DON'T CARE Jon. Get real. Corporate people have caused so much evil shit in this world, the people that the ugliness falls on eventually get overwhelmed. it's as simple as that. =(

The high level authority FBI agent that I once talked to on the phone literally said this to me, after an hour long conversation:
you know Adam, in the end all they really want is the money
and I thought to myself: "" shit!?""

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