Copying Access from a Windows Computer to a Vista Computer


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Yesterday, 21:04
Feb 24, 2011
Greetings everyone. This is my first post in this forum. It has been several years since I've done anything Access-related and I'm looking to relearn what I've forgotten and expand my knowledge base. Right now the following problem at work has me stumped:

My company built an MS Access 2003 database on our computers, which run Windows XP as our operating system. We burned the database onto a CD and shipped it to a client for them to open on their Vista-based computers. When they open the database on the CD it works fine, but when they attempt to copy or save it to their local drive the database forms will not open and the computer creates a duplicate database in the local drive. They get the following error message whenever they try to open any forms:

"The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events"

Is this a Windows to Vista thing, or is there something else going on?
1. When copying over a database from a CD you may have to go to the file properties and security tab and uncheck a box which basically says that this came from somewhere else and not to trust it. Uncheck it if it is there.

2. Also, you may have reference errors so if they, or you, can open it up on their machine go to the VBA window and to TOOLS > REFERENCES and see if any are marked MISSING. If so, uncheck them and close the dialog and then reopen. If none are mareked missing you may still have a reference problem but you can uncheck the Microsoft DAO reference close the dialog and then open the dialog and recheck it. Or if an ADO reference is there INSTEAD of the DAO reference then do the same thing with it.

3. And when you say it copies a duplicate - it probably isn't that. They probably don't have their file extensions for known file types showing and that is the LDB file (locking file) which opens.
Thanks for the quick response. I would have replied sooner if my computer hadn't decided to stop loading the internet properly...

"Also, you may have reference errors so if they, or you, can open it up on their machine go to the VBA window and to TOOLS > REFERENCES and see if any are marked MISSING. If so, uncheck them and close the dialog and then reopen. If none are mareked missing you may still have a reference problem but you can uncheck the Microsoft DAO reference close the dialog and then open the dialog and recheck it. Or if an ADO reference is there INSTEAD of the DAO reference then do the same thing with it."

I took a look at the TOOLS>REFERENCES option in the VBA window like you said. I don't think I understand what you mean by seeing if any are marked "Missing". I did see four items that were checked off, but what do you mean by missing?

I did see four items that were checked off, but what do you mean by missing?
If you had missing references, when you opened up the references and looked at the list, it would have the word MISSING in all caps like that right visible. So, I can assume since you didn't see something like that then you don't have any marked as missing.

But you should then follow step two of what I wrote.

Barring that try decompiling and then see if that helps.
Sorry for the delayed response. It turns out the problem was that our copy of the database was built in Access 2003 and the client was opening it in Access 2007. Once I converted the database to 2007, the error message went away. Very strange, but hey, as long as it works!

Thanks again for responding.

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