"Could Not Delete From Specified Tables" Error In Delete Query (1 Viewer)


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Today, 01:23
Jun 14, 2012
I have a table called "Competitive_Parts_Segment" from which I want to delete some records based on the value in the "Total Score" column of this table. The records to delete are based on a select query called "X051_Comp_Min_Score" which contains one value in one column, a minimum score. Any records from my current table that have this minimum score should be deleted. There is no join on the two tables, the second query just holds a value that specifies which records to delete. If I manually type that value into the delete query and remove the query that holds the value, then the Delete query works properly. However, the "minimum score" value will change, so I need an automated way to delete records.

I created the query using the "point and click" method and not in SQL. I was first getting an error message that read "Specify the table containing the records you want to delete". After doing some online research, I changed Unique Records to Yes in the query, but now I get the ""Could not delete from specified tables" message.

The SQL for the current query is:

DELETE DISTINCTROW Competitive_Parts_Segment.*, Competitive_Parts_Segment.[Total Score]
FROM Competitive_Parts_Segment, X051_Comp_Min_Score
WHERE (((Competitive_Parts_Segment.[Total Score])=[X051_Comp_Min_Score].[MinOfTotal Score]));


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