Creating a Barcode and copy into Word Document (1 Viewer)


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Today, 12:35
Sep 20, 2007
Hi all
I have a word document that is populated by Access forms using the below code, in the Access form we have a REF number that is inputted into a Text box named TXTREFNumber is it possible to create a CODE-128 barcode from this and then displayed within the word document as a barcode on the word bookmark HRRefBarcode?

    Dim oWd  As Object 'Word.Application
    Dim oDoc As Object 'Word.Document
    Dim bm   As Object 'Word.Bookmark
    Set oWd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Set oDoc = oWd.Documents.Add(CurrentProject.Path & "\TemplateFiles\HRReportTemplate.docx")

'HR RefNumber Barcode
   Set bm = oDoc.Bookmarks("HRRefBarcode")
   bm.Range.Text = [Forms]![FRM_FullCaseDetails].[Form]![TXTREFNumber]
   oWd.Visible = True

'Personal Details
   Set bm = oDoc.Bookmarks("PERSONALDETAILS")
   bm.Range.Text = [Forms]![FRM_FullCaseDetails].[Form]![StaffNumber]
   oWd.Visible = True

End Function
If you can find a font that creates that bar-code, yes. I used a different font, 3 of 9, but it should work the same.
Create a long text field in the table so you can format it as Rich Text and specify the font you want to use. That should work for your scenario.
Hello GPGeorge
I had issues importing to word in rich text previously under

Unfortunately never found a solution
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I wanted to brush up on my MS Access and VBA. I believe I developed the solution that you are looking for. (See the attached zip file.) Ensure that you install Z3OF9.ttf which is the Barcode Font recommended by George and which I have used in the past.

I also show how you can strip out the HTML Tags from a Rich Text Field, so your REF number can be bolded and underlined etc... which resolves your other question Rich Text to Word


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I wanted to brush up on my MS Access and VBA. I believe I developed the solution that you are looking for. (See the attached zip file.) Ensure that you install Z3OF9.ttf which is the Barcode Font recommended by George and which I have used in the past.

I also show how you can strip out the HTML Tags from a Rich Text Field, so your REF number can be bolded and underlined etc... which resolves your other question Rich Text to Word
It's true that I created a query to print the barcode labels rather than sending them to Word or Excel.

See the other suggestions for ways to handle that.

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