Crystal Reports help (1 Viewer)


New member
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Yesterday, 18:56
May 11, 2009
I'm using Crystal Reports 2008 Version

I have a Microsoft Access Database containing data for an entire month. This data consists of tank levels and is actually logged every 10 seconds. I need to create a Crystal Report to show a monthly summary of all this information. Here is an example of the trouble I am having:

I need to show the maximum value that occured for each day (from 12:01am to 11:59pm) within the month. I was unable to write a single sql query (command) to accomplish this so instead I have created 31 different sql queries that find the maximum value for each day of the month. I'd like to plot this information on a line chart but it doesn't seem possible. When I attempt to add these individual sql commands to the chart as data points it treats them as separate entities. I need the "Chart Expert" to see each sql command as a data point in the same series.

Is what I am trying to do possible? I'm rather new to Crystal Reports so if you see an easier way to accomplish my goal please enlighten me.

Thank you for reading.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:26
May 25, 2009
Let me give you this suggestion ,Hope it works.
Create a group on the Day(only Date of the Date field,Eliminate the time part if available).
Create a running total
In Fields to summarize take the field for which you need Maximum{Field} .
then in the Evaluate section select Use a formula option
in that add the following code .
your datetime field or time field
{Time Field} or {DateTime Field} Between "12:01am" AND "11:59pm" (consider only the time part).

and finally Reset Section select on change of Group
select the day Field.

place all the details in the Day footer
with the running total.

Check the results.
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