Solved Data from form not showing on Statement of Account report (1 Viewer)

Quick fix:

1. textboxes on report - can be not visible:
=Nz(DSum("PmtAmt","tblPmt","Format(PmtDt,'yyyymm')<'" & Format([TestDt],"yyyymm") & "' AND PmtByID=" & [txtPID]),0)
=Nz(DSum("TotalExtdPrice","tblOrders","Format(OrderDate,'yyyymm')<'" & Format([TestDt],"yyyymm") & "' AND PurchasedByID=" & [txtPID]),0)

2. BalanceStart calculation: =[OrderStart]-[PmtStart]

3. This almost removes frmStatementOfAcct from the process. Get a couple of popups if it is not open. These reference textboxes for date range criteria in query. Suggest modifying this to refer to frmAccountYrMonth instead.
Thanks - confirmed 1 and 2 - working on 3.
Thanks - confirmed 1 and 2 - working on 3.
And to complete - as @June7 suggested - to reference form from which the statement is launched instead of the "hidden" form, the query for the subform now uses the criteria on Qdate:
>=DateSerial([Forms]![frmAccountYrMonth]![cboSelYr],DLookUp("AcctMonthNo","tluAccountYr","[AcctYrID] = " & [Forms]![frmAccountYrMonth]![cboSelMonth]),"1") And <DateSerial([Forms]![frmAccountYrMonth]![cboSelYr],DLookUp("AcctMonthNo","tluAccountYr","[AcctYrID] = " & [Forms]![frmAccountYrMonth]![cboSelMonth])+1,"1"-1)
So now the report presents the correct data without needing a refresh, without needing the intermediate form. This means it is solved, @CJ_London suggestion pending.

Thank you

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