Depth of Sink Hole


Dick S
Local time
Yesterday, 21:07
Jun 9, 2009
I have a deep sink hole on my property (Florida) Does anybody know an easy way to determine the depth, short of buying or renting a transit? It is surrounded by trees and the top is about 100 feet away from the bottom of the hole.


  • SinkMiddleView.jpg
    98.3 KB · Views: 115
Drop a stone or light stick and count seconds until you hear/see it hit bottom.

D = 0.5 * 9.8 * t^2
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IF you have a golfing buddy who has a visual range-finder and you can see the bottom of the hole at noon, you could get an approximation.
Tie a stone to the end of a long string and throw it in. :)
Tie a stone to the end of a long string and throw it in. :)

Thanks for answering, however the edge of the sink hole is 100 feet up a slope, with many trees in the way, it is not like a well. The top opening of the hole is about 800 feet at the top. In fact one edge is across the fence on another person’s property. The golfing ranger has possibilities. I will ask around.
Drop a stone or light stick and count seconds until you hear/see it hit bottom.

D = 0.5 * 9.8 * t^2

Thanks for answering, however the edge of the sink hole is 100 feet up a slope, with many trees in the way, it is not like a well. The top opening of the hole is about 800 feet at the top. In fact one edge is across the fence on another person’s property. The golfing ranger has possibilities. I will ask around.
Thanks for answering, however the edge of the sink hole is 100 feet up a slope, with many trees in the way, it is not like a well. The top opening of the hole is about 800 feet at the top. In fact one edge is across the fence on another person’s property. The golfing ranger has possibilities. I will ask around.
Hi Dick. Sorry I wasn't much help. I wish you the best!
Dick, you are welcome to visit any time. That little joint we tried is one of literally a thousand places in the greater New Orleans area where you can get quite decent food. Heck, I can't go there that often since I'm on my diet, but it doesn't take much of a reason to make an exception.
I would think your local county office (Resource Management Agency where I live) would be interested themselves in finding out how big the hole is for a number of reasons. Have you contacted them?
Were it me, I'd do fishing line with ever 5 feet marked off. Good lead weight at the end should let it go straight down without much of an issue, plus you could run it off a long pole or branch.
Were it me, I'd do fishing line with ever 5 feet marked off. Good lead weight at the end should let it go straight down without much of an issue, plus you could run it off a long pole or branch.

Thanks for answering.
I could not describe why I can't drop a line in words, so I decided to show every one what a good artist I am.
See two attachments.

Thanks again Dick S.


Were it me, I'd do fishing line with ever 5 feet marked off. Good lead weight at the end should let it go straight down without much of an issue, plus you could run it off a long pole or branch.

size of one of the trees I had to cut.
I can't seem to upload this zip file.
Please someone let me know if it did or did not upload.
size of one of the trees I had to cut.
I can't seem to upload this zip file.
Please someone let me know if it did or did not upload.

Well that was dumb, I can see here myself there is no attachment.

I got it to upload
Ok, somebody straighten me out here.

The first couple of times I tried to zip a jpeg. It zip ok but would not upload.

This time I upload the straight jpeg and it uploaded.


  • LogFrontView.jpg
    100.9 KB · Views: 105
Is it acting like a sink hole? Your drawing looks more like a natural depression. Is it getting bigger?

Most true sink holes are caused when erosion below causes the top of a cave or other open space to collapse inside. They tend to have very sharp sides and are very unstable. If this has been a settling of the ground over a fairly short period, you could be looking at a sink hole before the roof collapses though.
Have you considered the possibility that the sink hole is "active"? Meaning that it is growing.
Have you considered the possibility that the sink hole is "active"? Meaning that it is growing.

That’s one of the reasons I want to measure the depth. My house, and the whole neighborhood sits over a huge cave complex. The property behind my house was once a commercial tourist attraction. The county has used it for rescue personal to practice evacuating people trapped in a cave. I went down insider once, years ago. There are many more caves in the county, and it’s speculated that they are all connected some place. When they first drilled my well they hit water at a fairly short distance, but said they could tell it was probably in a cave and they went a little deeper where they knew the water table was at.

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