Error 2293 (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 13:54
Mar 29, 2018

I have a Form with a button that causes a copy in pdf format to be attached to an email, awaiting the user to fill in the To: section and any other he chooses, using the following code:
DoCmd.SendObject acSendForm, frm.Name, acFormatPDF, "", "", "", _
        "New Client Referral", "Please see the attached Client Referral", True
It works the first time it is used in a session. Then , the next time I try to use it, I get the following error message:

2293: Huntington Ross Client Database can't send this email message.

Then, usually within 5 minutes, Access itself crashes, then restarts. After this, I can use the Sendobject code again ONCE, then Access crashes and restarts (always asking you to save a backup copy of the database).

I am using Windows 8.1 64-bit with Office 2016 64-bit. I have trawled the internet and none of the fixes so far have worked. I have not yet, I admit, actually, done a full factory restore as I do not want to lose data, as my current backup drive has just broken and I am waiting for payday at month end to buy another one. Also, it takes hours to perform and the moore hours to re-install all the software you had on it before.

What puzzles me is, why does it work once, and why then does it crash Access. I ask in desperation as this is occurring in a DB that is just about to go live (it was meant to be beta released on Wednesday). I only discovered the error during my own testing phase, before the beta release. I have tried almost every suggestion I have found online, inc testing for malware/viruses, etc, except re-installing Windows as that is such a drag, as I previously mentioned.

Please, can anyone help me. The behaviour is just so odd.

I have created a small db with some of our information, that is relevant to the problem, and added it in zip format



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Local time
Today, 13:54
Jan 14, 2017
Two possibilities
1. Something that is opened the first time the code runs isn't explicitly closed afterwards.
For example a recordset rst should be closed using Set rst=Nothing
2. You have some corrupted code. Try decompiling.

Also whilst its normally better to fix errors rather than ignore them, have you tested when happens if you tell Access to ignore that in your error handling
if err=2293 Then Resume Next

I would be very surprised if reinstalling Access or Windows is the solution.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:54
Oct 11, 2012
X2 always set things back to nothing and have stout error handling. If u can step through and find the exact point of failure ut helps diagnose too.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:54
Oct 11, 2012

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:54
Oct 11, 2012
My context wasnt great. [emoji16]

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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:54
Feb 28, 2001
The part about Access crashing makes me think that there is some undiscovered data that might be instructive. The trick is to dig it out.

The next time this happens, note very carefully the time and date of the event. Often you have a date/time shown at the far right of the task bar on the bottom of your screen. That is good enough for what I will suggest.

This next part depends on which version of Windows you have and I have not worked with Win8. However, in Win7, you get started by clicking the little Windows icon at the far LEFT of the task bar. You need to find Control Panel to find Administrative Tools to find Event Viewer. Once you are in Event Viewer, you have many choices of event types. You always have a System choice and usually have an Application choice.

For EVERY choice, open that viewer and find the records within a minute of the time you noted for that Access crash. It will be easy enough because events are time-tagged and appear in strict time order. I assure you that if Windows stays up and a program crashes, there WILL be an event log of it that Event Viewer will find. However, not every choice of event logs will hold something for your crash event. Either System or Applications logs WILL show it, though.

When you find the event or events, look at the expanded view. (I.e. if your event list is a set of single event lines, each with a time tag, double-click on the one that is the right time.) You might get an explanation that tells you what happened. Look at events within a few seconds of the crash either way since it is possible that when Access crashed, it was dragged down by something else that wasn't visible at the time. Such as, perhaps, a PDF utility or something like that.


Have been here a while
Local time
Today, 14:54
Jun 17, 2012
I have created a small db with some of our information, that is relevant to the problem, and added it in zip format
Does the small database you've attached here also crash?
I ask because by me it runs without problem.
I would suggest you to try the database on another computer.
Or try to send something else as that form.
Or create a new database and send something from there.
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New member
Local time
Today, 13:54
Mar 29, 2018

thank you everybody for your informed help. I discovered, via the trial and error method of undoing (using system restore) any recent updates, that the problem was a recent update from Hewlett Packard to my Pavilion laptop. Once I had undone the update the code worked fine. The only annoying thing now is that HP keeps hassling me to install the update again. To avoid this, I have to change the settings so that no more updates are installed from HP. Ho-hum.

But thanks anyway and consider the issue solved


Local time
Today, 13:54
Jan 14, 2017
Glad you've found the solution.
Please mark the thread as solved using the Thread Tools drop down.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:54
Feb 28, 2001
If a VENDOR's patch is screwing up Office software then it would be instructive for you to look up the patch to see what it was supposed to do and perhaps even let HP know that this particular patch screws the pooch.

I worked directly with HP customer service for years because my big OpenVMS Navy machine was under maintenance contracts with HP Enterprise. If you tell them they are out screwing pooches, they WILL look at it. No guarantee they will fix it, but they WILL look at it. I have not had a problem with them totally blowing off problem reports.

Don't get me wrong. There are times when they will say "We can't fix this without a separate work order." Once they decide it is your problem they will indeed drop that hot potato. But they are communicative. They'll TELL you they are dropping the hot potato. Or at least that has been my experience over a period of perhaps 10+ years, which is how long HP had maintenance on that system.

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