Error handling - pass error to caller? (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:11
Feb 28, 2001
In my current project, I have some situations where I want to pass an error back to the program that activates my routines. I know how to raise an error but the error causes a trap in the Class Module when I want the error to show up in the caller / user of the class module. I have On Error traps in the caller, so some of the online advice I saw doesn't seem to apply. The articles I found say the error will be passed up the call-frame stack until a declared handler is currently inactive but eligible to take the error at which time it will trap there.

The articles further suggest that I can get the desired effect by placing an error trap in the Class Module and have that handler re-raise the error before doing a Resume Next. But what actually happens is that it traps in the Class Object code.

Is there a trick to sending that error back up the line and NOT taking it in the Class Object?

Here is a sample:

Public Property Let SourceLine(TheLine As String)
'   prepare for parsing by loading up a string.  string can contain up to several thousand characters.
'   once all is reset, we are ready to actually load things up
'   measure line size, reset error code.  Token class-code is reset by Class_Reset call.
    On Error GoTo ErrHand
    If IsNull(TheLine) Then
        cbERR = True
        ceErrCode = PRSERR_INVAL_USE_OF_NULL
        Err.Raise ceErrCode, TypeName(Me), XLateErrCode(ceErrCode)
        Call Class_Reset                'erase all remnants.  resets almost everything.
        csClause = TheLine              'load up the string
        clCLength = Len(csClause)       'set the internal line length
        cbEOL = False                   'new line so not at EOL yet
        cbERR = False                   'and give benefit of the doubt at first
        ccTCCode = tclNoCls             'no parse has yet occurred so mark consistent with that fact
        ceErrCode = PRSERR_NO_ERROR     'no errors at the moment
        csPosPnt = ""                   'no error pointer
    End If

    Exit Property


    Err.Raise Err.Number, TypeName(Me), XLateErrCode(Err.Number)
    Resume Next

End Property

The behavior is that when the error is triggered, the trap occurs in the ErrHand routine when I want it occur in the thing that called this Property Let routine.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 15:11
Oct 6, 2019
per your statement, richard:
The articles further suggest that I can get the desired effect by placing an error trap in the Class Module and have that handler re-raise the error before doing a Resume Next. But what actually happens is that it traps in the Class Object code.
have you read the section called "Handling errors in nested procedures" on this page? per the page:
When an error occurs in a nested procedure that doesn't have an enabled error handler, Visual Basic searches backward through the calls list for an enabled error handler in another procedure, rather than simply halting execution.
I wonder if that applies to UDTs as well?


You've got your good things, and you've got mine.
Local time
Today, 16:11
May 21, 2018
Where did you tell it to break?

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