Filter Records that Show up in Navigation Control (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:49
Feb 10, 2014
Hi guys,

I was not very smart and added a navigation control to my form instead of a tab control. However, I'm trying not to switch over. My goal is to use a combobox to select an ID that will then cause the form and navigation controls to pop up with the correct ID's data. I have the query and combobox set up in the normal form method (the form opens based the query, which is then based on the combo box selection). However this doesn't work with my navigation controls on the main form. When I just use the forms without the form being in a navigation control the form is correctly populated. Am I missing a step? Is there a way to do this with navigation controls, or should I use another method?

Please let me know if you need clarification from me! Thanks for your help!


Local time
Today, 11:49
Oct 17, 2014
You may need to adjust your references. For example if you had a reference to a form control let's say named cboMyCombo that was

with the navigation form (assuming you didn't change the default names) it would now be:
Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationSubform.Form!cboMyCombo

Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationSubform!cboMyCombo

may also work.

I wouldn't kick myself for using the navigation control form. If you used a tab control and put your forms in subforms on it you would be in about the same situation albeit you might understand it better since you built it yourself.
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:49
Feb 10, 2014
Hi Sneuberg,

Thanks for your response! I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but the combo box isn't in the navigation control and is on a separate form. I click the dropdown on the other form, which then opens up the form with the navigation control on it. I would like the form (and navigation control) to open up on the record that was selected in the combo box on the previous form. I think your suggestion is if the combo box is on the navigation control, but let me know if I'm misunderstanding!

Thanks for your help!

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