Forms always maximised.. Why?


Local time
Today, 08:15
Mar 19, 2024
Hi guys,

I am using access 2021, and I'm having problems finding why my forms always open maximised. I've made the forms quite small but when I double click it to start it, it opens screen size.
I'm probably blind as to where to correct this..

Thanks in advance
May want to check for vba code, docmd.maximize in one or more forms.
No .. No docmd.maximized anywhere in the code.
Set the Pop Up property to Yes on the forms property sheet
Is option 'Tabbed Documents' active?
Options -> Document Window Option -> Tabbed Documents?
Setting the pop up property to yes on every form causes other issues and is NOT the actual answer.

Opening maximized is not the normal behavior when you Document window options set to Overlapping Windows

Did you look at the Document Window option as @Josef P. pointed out?
Do you have a macro that is maximizing the form's

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