Graph1.HasTitle alternating (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 16:10
Jan 13, 2005
Hi people.

I have a problem here.

I have that sub:

Graph1 is a Microsoft Graph Chart.
Command1 is a button that refresh Graph1
Combo1 is a combobox that has the Graph Title

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Graph1.Requery 'the command button take date interval and other informations to make the graph
If Graph1.HasTitle Then
Graph1.ChartTitle.Text = Combo1.Column(1) 'graph take the combobox value to title
End If
End Sub

The problem is one time it's function and the other don't... One time it's recognize it has a title, and the other don't.

I don't know where i'm falling... Please, help me if you could...

Thanks a lot!

Maikon Neitzel

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