Hard to Believe (1 Viewer)

Yes, it's called the American civil war, didn't you learn about it in school?

Well good day Rich, and just how is your day going? I was wondering how long it would take you to chime in.:)
Ok so you just wish to argue semantics on the word "church"?

You know better than that. Surely you don't expect me to go back to all those posts and quote what you said and what I said in response.

It doesn't say "separation of church and state" in the US Constitution...anywhere...period.
You know better than that. Surely you don't expect me to go back to all those posts and quote what you said and what I said in response.

It doesn't say "separation of church and state" in the US Constitution...anywhere...period.

Again, it depends on how you define the term "church"
While the precise words "Separation of Church and State" do not appear in the constitution, it is a generally recognized principle that has been upheld many times by the US Supreme Court.
For the word "church" feel free to substitute the word "religion".
It would appear that some aren't capable or willing to do that;)

Oh, I'm quite willing and capable, as are most people who post here, to concede that some people think the constitution means that.

However, it doesn't "say" that, which is what you said.

And I'm willing to bet that, like me, many of those other posters are not willing (not sure about capable) to believe that the framers of the first amendment meant that, including the OP, whom you were trying to discredit with your technically inaccurate statement.
I thought Hillary was out of the running:confused:

I read an article today (I think it was Newsweek) that seemed to indicate that Obama might be promising Hillary a seat on the court (aka the Supreme Court). It's a genius move on his part, if true...he gets rid of her for life and gets her full endorsement (with feeling this time).
I read an article today (I think it was Newsweek) that seemed to indicate that Obama might be promising Hillary a seat on the court (aka the Supreme Court). It's a genius move on his part, if true...he gets rid of her for life and gets her full endorsement (with feeling this time).

Couldn't she be troublesome there though?
Couldn't she be troublesome there though?
Gee..... ya think? LOL!!

I have a hard time believing that she'll get through the approval process, if that's the case. :D
Couldn't she be troublesome there though?

To me maybe. Not to you or him, though.

With her safely out of the way on the Supreme Court (for life) he doesn't have to worry about running against her in 4 years (which you can be sure she'll do). From his perspective, it would be like killing off his biggest competitor. And her motivation is that she could shoot for the top justice position, almost as good as being President and easier to accomplish, once appointed.
From wikipedia:

The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state. The phrase was then quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases starting in 1947. This led to increased popular and political discussion of the concept.
What does wikipedia know? It's American isn't it?

Here's the latest on the Obama opponents lies parade.

They are now claiming Obama was not born in the USA. Under the US Constitution, the president must be a native born American. Obama was born in Hawaii 1n 1963. Hawaii has been a US state since 1960.
According to the story, Obama has his birth certificate posted on his web site (I haven't checked). The opposition claims that this is in fact his younger sisters birth certificate and that Obama was not born in the US at all. They want the federal elections commission to ban Obama from the Presidental ballot.

Makes you wonder how far some people are willing to go to keep a BLACK man out of the lilly WHITE House.

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