You have bigger table issues than what I initially pointed out with QuantityinStock. You need to step away from forms for a bit and focus on fixing your tables. No point building a house on a poorly laid foundation.
Big Issue 1 -> Numerated fields. When you feel the need to suffix field names with numbers, its time for a new table. Instead of 5 fields for Products and Quantities in Rent table, you need a whole new table structured like so:
rp_ID, autonumber, primary key
ID_Rent, number, foreign key to RentID in Rent
ID_Product, foreign key to ProductID in Inventory
rp_Quantity, number, will hold quantity amount
With that table you can accomodate an unlimited number of rented products instead of just the 5 you have set your table up for right now. Better still, if you only have 1 product, you only use 1 record in RentProducts and don't leave 8 fields empty like you are now.
Big Issue 2 -> Storing Calculated values. You do not store data that is dynamic and based on other data you are already storing. I already pointed out that QuantityinStock should not be a field in a table, but a field in a query where you use math to determine the amount in stock. I also now think you have a few other fields like this. My guess is that Days is just math on StartDate and EndDate, if that's the case, you don't store it, you calculate it in a query like QuantityinStock. I bet Status is also calculable which means it shouldn't be stored. Perhaps DaysOverdue falls into this category as well. TotalCost is most likely calculable as well.
Question 1 -> Do you not care about the specific items rented out? Right now you are not tracking items individually you are tracking them generally. This seems really odd because you are trying to track Condition and STatus of them--what happens if one bouncy house is in poor condition and another is in good condition? There's no way in your data to designate that difference. Seems like you are missing a table.
Again, step away from forms because your tables need to change which means any forms you build with your current table structure will be wrong.