Hiding a text box and its label when display of the info is unwanted (1 Viewer)

Ah! YES!
I forgot to check the print preview (DOH)

This works:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

  Me.Text35.Visible = (Me.ContactTypeID <> 25)
  Me.Label38.Visible = (Me.ContactTypeID <> 25)
End Sub

Many thanks everyone.
Yes, sorry, I misread the OP. Use <> . Those parentheses are entirely optional.

Another approach that doesn't require VBA is to use expression in textboxes (will also work in ReportView). Use a textbox as a label.

=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, [some field name])
=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, "some text here")

Or an all-in-one textbox:
=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, "some text here: " & [some field name])

Those expressions can even be in RecordSource SQL and bind textboxes.

Seems I've read reports with VBA behind them peform slower.
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Yes, sorry, I misread the OP. Use <> . Those parentheses are entirely optional.

Another approach that doesn't require VBA is to use expression in textboxes (will also work in ReportView). Use a textbox as a label.

=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, [some field name])
=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, "some text here")

Or an all-in-one textbox:
=IIf([ContactTypeID]=25, Null, "some text here: " & [some field name])

Those expressions can even be in RecordSource SQL and bind textboxes.

Seems I've read reports with VBA behind them peform slower.
Yes, I used IIF() elsewhere to hide a label when a textbox was null:-
=IIf(IsNull([Committee Role]),Null,"Committee Role") (y)

Thanks for the further detail.
In this case, apart from my testing, this is only done once a year in anger, so speed is not much of an issue!
This code I'm using does generate a preview of every email in its own window, which does seem to make Outlook slooooooooow. (c. 90 windows)
It also takes a good while [minutes] to put the emails into the drafts folder.

This is the relevant bit:

            '   OUTLOOK Sending Bits
            Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
            On Error Resume Next
            With OutMail
                .To = strEmail
                .Subject = strSubject
                .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
                .HTMLBody = strMsg
                .ReadReceiptRequested = False
                If strFileNameRenewal <> "" Then .Attachments.Add strFileNameRenewal
                If strFileNameGiftAid <> "" Then .Attachments.Add strFileNameGiftAid
                If strFileNameSTO <> "" Then .Attachments.Add strFileNameSTO
                .Display   'or use .Send to immediately send. As this runs with .Display it will save the emails in your drafts.
            End With

I might investigate options there.
Thanks again,
Use the .Send option then. :)
No, they will all be in your outbox, so you can still review them.
Else put a limit on how many are created at any one time.
No, they will all be in your outbox, so you can still review them.
Else put a limit on how many are created at any one time.
And I can, of course, put Outlook offline to stop them being -sent, when in the Outbox. :)
When I use .Send, email is sent immediately, not just sitting in Outbox.
I believe it depends on your Send/Receive settings?
Plus there has to come a time you rely on your code?

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