How big is too big? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:43
Dec 16, 2004
This is more a general question for my own piece of mind. I've combined three tables into one query so I can use all the information on a tabbed form (I just discvered tabbed forms and I love them!!). I'm just concerned that the query is too big?? Am I just worrying over nothing??? There is probably 50 fields or so on the query. Thanks, Tim


Registered User.
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Today, 04:43
Jan 2, 2002
So long as the query doesn't take too long to produce the results it will be OK. The performance of the query is more important than the size.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:43
Jan 11, 2005
Do you use all the fields in the query, either in direct display in user controls such as list boxes and text boxes, or in binding recordsets to the controls? If you do, then it's ok, but in general queries should only be created to provide the items necessary just for your current form's or form control's needs.

I'm thinking you are using the '*' (all records) query identifier for all three tables. In practice, a good Select Query design will not incorporate the all records identifier. In addition, if some of the fields match from one table to another, the querie field created for some records would not match the query field (for instance, a field in Table1 named "Quantity" would be called "Quantity" in the query, but a field in Table2 named "Quantity" would be called "Table2.Quantity" in the query).

Bottom line: do what is most expediant, but realize that good query design will return fields only what is needed. This helps not just with speed but also helps other coders troubleshoot your application down the road.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:43
Nov 9, 2004
Well, having suffered from what Access calls a "Query too Complex" problem, I would that yes, it can be too big. How much? I dunno.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:43
Dec 16, 2004
Thanks everyone, it is as mresann mentioned, just for form controls. I didn't use the * because a couple of the tables did have the same info. I'm almost on to reports now :) Later, Tim

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