How to add other object types for viewing graphics (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:28
Sep 28, 2002
Although I may switch to linking via paths, for now, I have a form based on a table with an ole object type field. Any jpg I put in the field or picture (on the form) is viewed as a jpg icon.

I understand that the way to fix this is to right click in the table field and select "insert object " and then choose an object type that will view a jpg as an image. Unfortunately my list of object types does not include a program that would do that.

Is there a way to add a program to this list or is there another workaround for the original problem.

It would be helpful to know a way to add to this list anyway.




Just trying to help
Local time
Yesterday, 21:28
Jan 23, 2001
Are you wanting them to be able to Create New, or should they be selecting the second option of Create from File, in which case it would prompt for the file and we don't care what is listed in the aforementioned dialog box?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:28
Sep 28, 2002
The original problem that I am trying to correct is that when I store a jpg image in a table within an ole field, only the icon of the jpg shows up in the form and not the image itself.

From what I understand, the purpose of using "Create New" is to be able to set this field up so that Access will use the program selected in this dialog box to view this and all future files of that type (in this case a jpg). Again, infortunately, none of the programs listed in my dialog box are used to view jpgs. How do I add one of the other programs on my computer to the selections available in this dialog box (like Windows Picture and Fax Viewer).

Or, is there another way to get rid of the icon and show the image in the form?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:28
Sep 28, 2002
Thanks but this is where I got the idea from originally. In the Microsfot article it says:


Use a different interpreter, such as Microsoft Photo Editor, to insert the object. To see an example of how to do so, follow these steps: "

The Problem is that there is no photo viewer/editor in my list of available interpreters. I do certainly have photo viewers and editors on my hard Drive. The question is how do I get these onto the list of available interpreters.

Thanks again.



Just trying to help
Local time
Yesterday, 21:28
Jan 23, 2001
You don't necessarily have to use the MS Photo. What options does it give you? Do you have the MS Word Picture? That will work with the same methodology. Try some other options that are listed that will display a jpg image.

Otherwise, take a look at what Windows Explorer has associated with jpg file extensions. View ... Folder Options ... File Types Tab In the dialog box, double click on the jpg/jpeg Image and see what the Content Type is.

*** EDIT ***
Another ?? What are your programs that do jpg images? How were they loaded on your computer? I'm thinking the Windows Registry may not know about them.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:28
Sep 28, 2002
I have Microsoft Windows and fax viewer which is set as my default program for viewing jpg/jpegs.

It works perfectly when I click on a jpg/jpeg file. In addition there are other photo programs including Microsoft Image Composer and Camedia (an Olympus Photo Program). Both these programs show up inmenu when I right click on an image file under the heading "Open With" so I'm sure the registry knows about these programs. There must be something that tells Microsoft Access what programs to make available in the dialog box with the list of Interpreters that comes up. Since at least two of these programs are Microsoft programs I would think they should be compatible. This is Access 2002 so any of these programs pre-date this version of microsoft. I cannot find any other reference to the list of interpreters in the Microsoft Knowledge base

Thanks again


Just trying to help
Local time
Yesterday, 21:28
Jan 23, 2001
Well, I can't seem to locate any information on this either. I'll keep looking, but in the meantime ...

Try using an image control (Image2) and a bound text box (tbImageLink) in conjunction where the text box holds the path to the jpg file and then on the Form's OnCurrent event have:

If Not IsNull(Me.tbImageLink) Then
Me.Image2.picture = Me.tbImageLink
Me.Image2.picture = 'some default image, perhaps one that says BROWSE
End If

Perhaps have the text box be invisible and create a Browse ... button under the image that would pop up a dialog box to retrieve the file name. (Do a search here on dialog box filename if you're not sure how to do this)
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