How to display date from Excel to Access (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:31
May 5, 2017
Hi everyone

So awhile back I was splitting up date fields in Excel. In the beginning there was two date fields. The first was called"AAStartDate" and had either blanks or a date entered. The second"AAEndDate" had either a date or the word ongoing entered. I added a third table called "AAExpiryDate" because I was told that ongoing = Start Date + 10 years and thus the actual expiry date could be stored in this column. I also put 1/1/1111 in cells that were blank as seen below.

When imported this excel file into Access, I changed AAExpiryDate data type to Date/Time with the format Short Date (e.g. 11/12/2013) and put the input mask as 99/99/0000;0; but when I go back to datasheet view, I notice in AAExpiryDate cells with 1/1/1111 have appear blank but once you click in a cell this appears:
And also in both AAStartDate and AAEndDate cells that had 1/1/1111 in Excel appear as the value "36526". Why is this?


  • exceldates.PNG
    6.3 KB · Views: 171
  • accessdates.PNG
    5.6 KB · Views: 174


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:31
Apr 9, 2015
Dates are actually a decimal #.
The integer is the date (starting at 1900)
the decimal is the time.
just format the cell as date to get the normalized date look.

IS the access field set as DATEtime?

as for Access, you cannot import text in a date field,
and year 1111 may be illegal, but it should work, its a valid date.
1/1/1900 is a better default date.

in access add dates using DATEADD("YYYY",10,dateField)
to add 10 years.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 15:31
Feb 19, 2002
Using defaults for dates which can validly be empty generally causes more problems than it solves. I would not use 1/1/1111 as a default although it is a valid date to Access.

Looking at your first png should give you a clue. some dates are 1/1/1111 others are 2010-02-04. One of those is being treated as text. Check your formats on the Excel sheet.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:31
May 5, 2017
Using defaults for dates which can validly be empty generally causes more problems than it solves. I would not use 1/1/1111 as a default although it is a valid date to Access.

Looking at your first png should give you a clue. some dates are 1/1/1111 others are 2010-02-04. One of those is being treated as text. Check your formats on the Excel sheet.

So do you think running reports would be easier with blank date cells? Because basically the criteria for these reports is that 1) the user types in a date range (e.g. 1/2/2012 to 2/3/2016) and all the filtered records within this range appear but also having 1/1/1111 as the default date value and the user types in an end date (e.g. 5/2/2015) because this way, all the records before the end date entered including all the records with 1/1/1111 appear.


Local time
Today, 20:31
Jul 26, 2013
I would simply use Is Null to search for blank dates. Much easier and more robust than putting in a nonsense default date.

Imagine it was an invoice date and you wanted to find un-invoiced items. Simple if the date is null. someone may have mistyped a year in a date and it gets missed as a result.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:31
May 5, 2017
I would simply use Is Null to search for blank dates. Much easier and more robust than putting in a nonsense default date.

Imagine it was an invoice date and you wanted to find un-invoiced items. Simple if the date is null. someone may have mistyped a year in a date and it gets missed as a result.

But about for entering new records? Basically, we don't want anymore free text entered dates. Also if there's no date, then at least that cell isn't left empty which i always assumed to be a bad thing with databases in general.
Last edited:


Local time
Today, 20:31
Jul 26, 2013
But about for entering new records? Basically, we don't want anymore free text entered dates.
Is this in the Excel worksheet or Access?
In Access - simply format the textbox as a short date, and validate on before update with IsDate().
In Excel - I think you would need to use DataValidation on the cells.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:31
May 5, 2017
Is this in the Excel worksheet or Access?
In Access - simply format the textbox as a short date, and validate on before update with IsDate().
In Excel - I think you would need to use DataValidation on the cells.

Eventually everything will be on Access but for now I'm using Excel to edit the data, (e.g. separate date values and trailing text into their own respective field)


Local time
Today, 20:31
Jul 26, 2013
Also if there's no date, then at least that cell isn't left empty which i always assumed to be a bad thing with databases in general.

For dates null is actually very useful, because a date field has to either be a valid date or null. You can't have an "" empty string in a date. Hence why checking for null is a powerful flag.

You don't need to have an "IsInvoiced" flag if you have an InvoiceDate, it's presence or lack of is enough.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 15:31
Feb 19, 2002
If a piece of data can validly have an "unknown" value, then you shouldn't be using bogus default values. There is nothing wrong with allowing nulls for unknown values. That allows you to set a column as required when a value is actually required. In that case, you might decide to allow a default but it will be a valid value that you default to rather than a bogus value.

Once you allow nulls in data, you have to consider them in your criteria. While Between date1 and date2 will validly exclude nulls, you have to make a conscious decision to have a < date1 criteria also select null values. That isn't obvious or universal. It will be application specific.

An example that you need to consider is how aggregation functions work. They ignore null values so:

Avg(3 + 0 + 3) = 2
Avg(3 + null + 3) = 3

I don't know if Excel works the same way but you should check. BTW - to clear a cell in Excel, you actually have to use the delete action to remove the contents.

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