Solved How to send multiple attachment with CDO Gmail in MS Access VBA (1 Viewer)


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Today, 18:51
Jan 21, 2020
The code below is almost complete of course with the help of the members here or on this forum, all is working fine but with one exception it can only send one attachment at a time. I have managed to attach multiple file as you can see below on the screen shoot, so the challenge is how to send them to the recepients

Private Sub Send_btn_Click()
'for early binding, enable tools > References > Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library

Dim Newmail As Object
Dim mailConfig As Object
Dim fields As Variant
Dim msConfigURL As String
Dim varFile As Variant

On Error GoTo Err1:
'late binding
Set Newmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set mailConfig = CreateObject("CDO.configuration")

mailConfig.Load -1
Set fields = mailConfig.fields

    With Newmail
        .Sender = DLookup("[EmailAddress]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .From = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .To = Me.SendTo
        .Subject = Me.Subject
        .TextBody = Me.Message
        End With
If Not Attachment = "" Then
    With Newmail
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment
    End With
    End If
If (Me.Cc <> "") Then
    With Newmail
        .Cc = Me.Cc
    End With
    End If

msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True 'enable the SSL authentication
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = DLookup("[EmailAddress]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1") 'input your gmail here
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = DLookup("[Password]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .Update 'update the configuration fields
    End With
    Newmail.configuration = mailConfig
    MsgBox "Your email has been sent.", vbInformation, "Your Email Has Been Sent Successfully"
    Me.Status = "Sent"
'release object memory
Set Newmail = Nothing
Set mailConfig = Nothing
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147220973 'due to internet connection
    MsgBox "check your internet connection." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case -2147220975 ' due to incorrect credentials
    MsgBox "Incorrect Credentials." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case 13 'missing information
    MsgBox "Please fill up the required fiels." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case -2146697203 'Invalid link for attachment
    MsgBox "Invalid Link for attachment"
        Case Else
        MsgBox "Error encountered while sending and email.", vbCritical, "Unsend"
        End Select
        Resume Exit_Err1

On Error Resume Next

End Sub

I need help on this part of the below to allow sending multiple files:

If Not Attachment = "" Then
    With Newmail
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment
 End With
 End If

Send Attachments.png
For example, if you want to send two attachments you can have two TextBoxes: Attachment1 and Attachment2, and for sendirng both files, you have to change the code:

With Newmail
     If Not isNull(Me.Attachment1)  Then
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment1
     If Not isNull(Me.Attachment2)  Then
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment2
End With
Use the split function on your attachment field and then loop through the array
Its giving me type missmatch


With Newmail
     If Not IsNull(Me.Attachment(1)) Then
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment(1)
     End If
     If Not IsNull(Me.Attachment(2)) Then
        .AddAttachment Me.Attachment(2)
     End If
End With
@ Use the split function on your attachment field and then loop through the array

I'm a beat lost how do we use this split function
You have not made it clear what me.attachment actually is - I assume from your image and description it is this


so your code might be something like this aircode

dim a() as string
dim i as integer

if attachment <>"" then

    for i=0 to ubound(a)

        .AddAttachment a(i)

    next i

end if
Many thanks CJ but I do not know where I'm going wrong , see the message below

It needs to be within your with newmail group - I.e. above your ‘end with’

Edit - and your dims should be at top of your sub, not within the loop
Last edited:
Its now giving me the sending failure message , unless I have changed a wrong place , see the new code

Dim Newmail As Object
Dim mailConfig As Object
Dim fields As Variant
Dim msConfigURL As String
Dim a() As String
Dim i As Integer

On Error GoTo Err1:
'late binding
Set Newmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set mailConfig = CreateObject("CDO.configuration")

mailConfig.Load -1
Set fields = mailConfig.fields

    With Newmail
        .Sender = DLookup("[EmailAddress]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .From = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .To = Me.SendTo
        .Subject = Me.Subject
        .TextBody = Me.Message
        .AddAttachment a(i)
        End With

If Attachment <> "" Then

    a = Split(Attachment, ";")
    For i = 0 To UBound(a)

    Next i

End If
If (Me.Cc <> "") Then
    With Newmail
        .Cc = Me.Cc
    End With
    End If

msConfigURL = ""
    With fields
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpusessl") = True 'enable the SSL authentication
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpauthenticate") = 1
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserver") = ""
        .item(msConfigURL & "/smtpserverport") = 465
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendusing") = 2
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendusername") = DLookup("[EmailAddress]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1") 'input your gmail here
        .item(msConfigURL & "/sendpassword") = DLookup("[Password]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .Update 'update the configuration fields
    End With
    Newmail.configuration = mailConfig
    MsgBox "Your email has been sent.", vbInformation, "Your Email Has Been Sent Successfully"
    Me.Status = "Sent"
'release object memory
Set Newmail = Nothing
Set mailConfig = Nothing
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147220973 'due to internet connection
    MsgBox "check your internet connection." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case -2147220975 ' due to incorrect credentials
    MsgBox "Incorrect Credentials." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case 13 'missing information
    MsgBox "Please fill up the required fiels." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Case -2146697203 'Invalid link for attachment
    MsgBox "Invalid Link for attachment"
        Case Else
        MsgBox "Error encountered while sending and email.", vbCritical, "Unsend"
        End Select
        Resume Exit_Err1

On Error Resume Next

End Sub
your .AddAttachment a(i) is in the wrong place - why did you move it from where I put it

would help if you lined up your ifs and loops - makes it a lot easier to interprete
With Newmail

        .Sender = DLookup("[EmailAddress]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .From = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "[tblSpecialcompanyDetails]", "[CompanyID] = 1")
        .To = Me.SendTo
        .Subject = Me.Subject
        .TextBody = Me.Message

        If Attachment <> "" Then

            a = Split(Attachment, ";")

            For i = 0 To UBound(a)

                 .AddAttachment a(i)

            Next i

       End If 'attachment

      If (Me.Cc <> "") Then  .Cc = Me.Cc

End With 'newmail
    Set Newmail = Nothing
    Set mailConfig = Nothing
End                                              <<<<=========

    Select Case Err.Number
    Case -2147220973 'due to internet connection
    MsgBox "check your internet connection." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

If this is a cut/paste of the actual code, then the line I highlighted should not be there. The side effects of an isolated END statement (not END SUB or other "qualified" ENDs) are quite severe. Look at the link below and read the paragraphs about what an END statement REALLY does. (HINT: It is a drastic action that has far-reaching side effects.) I'm thinking you need an EXIT SUB in that location.

On Error GoTo Err1:

That colon does not need to be there. In that context, you COULD put another complete VBA statement after the colon, but you don't have another statement in that position, which is why you don't need the colon.

I didn't see the top of your module, but if that WAS the top of the module in your presentation in post #9, you are skipping not one but TWO important declarations - OPTION COMPARE (which you can omit if the default behavior is acceptable) and OPTION EXPLICIT (which you ignore only at your increased peril.)

OPTION EXPLICIT tells VBA to not be so forgiving with variable declarations. If you have something spelled incorrectly when compared against its declaration or definition, with OPTION EXPLICIT you will be notified of the attempted use of an undeclared variable - which is a typical error for new VBA users. Having an undeclared variable can be anywhere from a totally ignorable condition to a critical, potentially fatal error that is to be avoided.
Many thanks CJ London you are great! the sky is the limit you have really made my new present 2025.

Once again thank you



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