! identifier doesn't work (1 Viewer)



Can anyone help? In concatenating two field names in a calculated control, I am trying to insert an ! in the expression to indicate that my field called "Name" refers to the table field called Name and not to the name of the report (i.e. [Title]&![Name]). But it won't accept it, showing #error in my list. Is my colleague right and the field label Name is confusing the application? This is part of a text book exercise and is not working! One thing: there is no "Name" text box in the report..if I put one in, it works. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? Is the expression referring to the wrong object? Any suggestions gratefully received.


No help here but I can support your findings. While developing a labor reporting application I discovered that any attempt to display the [Run] field resulting in the error you are getting. You'd expect the field name identifiers to insulate it from key/reserved word issue but appearently not. I'd consider changing the field name. Good luck.

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