It's all going wrong (1 Viewer)

Alan Harrison

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:41
Jan 20, 2005
My first post on WAF. Try to be gentle and speak slowly please. Think of me as the Holmer Simpson of MS Access users.

The database I wrote for my business runs in Access97. Its grown and grown over the years and the MBD is now over 15Mb even after compacting. Things started to go wrong when I started to get the error "Cyclic reference of projects not allowed". I did a compile and save all modules and came up with a problem in a couple of forms It was in the error trapping routine. This suprised me as it was just a two buttons I'd made using the wizard. I changed the code to

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnOpenStockTakeForm_Click
MsgBox Err.Description used to be Msgbox Error$

It didn't work and now it,s got worse (and worse).
When I put any form into design view, if I try to delete anything I just crash to desk. doh!

Can anyone give me a clue where to start. I'm thinking on the lines of references or maybe stack overflow.

Oh I'm using windows 95 and XP sp2 on other PCs


Alan Harrison aka Holmer

Len Boorman

Back in gainfull employme
Local time
Today, 00:41
Mar 23, 2000
Okay we all ahve a bit of trouble now and again#

First 15 Mb is nothing to worry aboy at all. It actually quite small


Inport all of your tables. forms,queries, reports macros modules Except the forms giving you a problem ibnto a new database

I would then re-create the problem forms in again in the new application

Maybe upgrade the win 95 to xp so that all pc's are working from the same platform


Alan Harrison

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:41
Jan 20, 2005
Wow Len you're fast.

I think you have a good idea there. I'll give that a try.
One thing. What references should be active. I have..
Visual basic for applications
Microsoft Access 8.0 Object Library
RugDB1 (not sure about this. It's not the name of my MDB)
Microsft DAO 3.51 object Library

Microsft DAO 2.5/3.5 object Library is not ticked

Thanks Len


New PC ordered for delivery Tuesday.

(I'm a guy who can take advise)

Len Boorman

Back in gainfull employme
Local time
Today, 00:41
Mar 23, 2000
Just happened to be hanging around

Not sure about references but they look okay. Not my speciality.

Gee wish I could get new PC's that quick

One thing that I do is to have a backup

This gives you several options. If the functionality gets screwed you can create a new application using current tables and backup forms, queries etc

Opposite also true but you do lose some data but maybe that can be recovered.

Here I am Friday night, at home, second whisky and on the Access Forum

I know how to enjoy myself



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:41
Aug 13, 2003
Might also want to go in and see what you can clean up or make run better.

I am currently going over all our inhouse databases and cleaning them up. Four people worked on them before they came to me, it is amazing how quickly thinks get mucked up. I am a stickler for naming convention and making notes about what I have done and why. Too bad the people before me did not feel the same way.

What I have discovered is that we had a lot of background code that no longer is needed and code that because of lack of naming conventions and commenting.


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