lost printer settings (1 Viewer)

Matthew Snook

NW Salmon Database
Local time
Today, 20:55
Apr 19, 2001
I have a report which is printed to a Dymolabel printer. After much wrangling, I have managed to get the margins, paper size, and all the settings so that they will work.

When I send a copy of this database to somebody else with an identical printer (I bought them both) the report goes to the right printer, but with the margins all messed up so that the printer cranks out about 10 pages of report bits instead of the one label that I get here at home.

How do I specify report page setup and printer settings in the code, so that even on another machine the report comes out as it does here?


Matthew Snook

Matthew Snook

NW Salmon Database
Local time
Today, 20:55
Apr 19, 2001
No, unfortunately. Mom has XP and I'm running 2000 pro server. I hadn't thought of that. Would that make the report lose it's printer settings?


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:55
Feb 19, 2002
If you are running A2K, this is most likely caused by the Name AutoCorrect error. For some reason, having the Name AutoCorrect options selected, causes reports to loose their setup. Turn off the options or better yet, install the latest service pack for Office 2K. You'll need to send a new copy of the db but the format settings should no longer be changed on her.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:55
Feb 19, 2002
In the Microsoft knowledgebase. I often read through articles that pop up when I'm searching for something else. If I think I'm going to need the information, I copy the article to my articles directory. The kb is an excellent resource. I go there first when I have a problem. The articles are created by the techs who are responding to paid help requests so there's a good chance of finding a relevant article.

Matthew Snook

NW Salmon Database
Local time
Today, 20:55
Apr 19, 2001
Thanks much for the info, I'm going to give it a try.


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