Major UK terrorist attack foiled (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:54
Jul 7, 2004
I'm sure you heard clicky
There not giving out too many details but there is a rumour that up to 10 planes were possible targets, quote from the deputy commissioner "'This was intended to be mass murder on unimaginable scale"

All incoming flights to Heathrow cancelled any outgoing passengers are not allowed to take any hand luggage on to any flights in the UK only the barest essentials (passports and wallets) allowed on board in transparent plastic bags. And the most worringly no liquids allowed to be taken on board (liquid explosive ?)
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jul 6, 2005
They are saying they are making women taste their babies milk before they go on board, to make sure there is nothing wrong with it. Scary stuff!


Cool bop aficionado
Local time
Today, 12:54
Sep 5, 2002
I cancelled a business trip to the UK, scheduled for next week.
I guess I have to reschedule that to somewhere in September, when things will get back to "business as usual". :mad:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:54
Jul 7, 2004
rak said:
I cancelled a business trip to the UK, scheduled for next week.
I guess I have to reschedule that to somewhere in September, when things will get back to "business as usual". :mad:

It should only take a few days unless there are any other alerts, we were back to "business as usual" the next day after the London bombings. My collegue in NY was very surpised at that but of course we have been under the shadow of terrorism for 30 years IRA terrorist actions and of course a typical British stiff upper lip :p .


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jul 6, 2005
Well im due to go away in a few weeks, but would rather not go if this is still going on. They arrested the suspects last night, so obviously still big threat that something may happen :( I just can't comprehend people like that...especially those people who are meant to be 'British' doing this.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2002
Dayam!, I'm due to travel to the UK at the end of the month, though it will be Gatwick not Heathrow.

I take bottled water on to my flights all the time, but I guess I won't be anymore :p I guess it's a blessing that they managed to catch them before they even entered the airports. Even if they had been caught before they boarded what would have stopped them from detonating within the airport if one had got apprehended.

Makes you do a re-think on the rights of privacy issues don't it?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2002
Lyndseyd said:
They are saying they are making women taste their babies milk before they go on board, to make sure there is nothing wrong with it. Scary stuff!

I've been made to drink my own bottled water on both sides of the pond. Though not each and every time. :eek:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jul 6, 2005
never heard of that one before! :) Suppose this is the kind of thing which we have got to look forward to now, terroists from our own countries trying to blow us all up. I have to say when i went on holiday in July on a plane i was looking at everyone suspecting them...what a world we live in!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2002
We had a long period of time where the National Guard were deployed at our local airport (Lexington, KY). Very big boys carrying very big M16's :eek:

When they stopped you for a search, I tended not to complain too much :D


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jul 6, 2005
Big boys eh? ha Don't think i would complaing either :) My boyfriend has said for a while there will be civil war in starting to think he may be right, he also says religions is the cause of all war. Yes he is very controversial, but speak some truth ...i don't tell him of course :)


Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2003
dan-cat said:
I take bottled water on to my flights all the time, but I guess I won't be anymore

Without stating it the statements imply that except for US flights drinks etc bought after the contols, ie Flight side, will be acceptable, what I found wierd and inexplicable was that after a mother had tasted and then poured into another container her babies drink she still had to pour most of it away as the new container was smaller, why not give her 2?:confused:

Oh and one statement said that hold luggage security was not changed, another that you should pack battery operated items in your hold luggage:confused:

glad my holidays not for a few weeks.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2002
Brianwarnock said:
Oh and one statement said that hold luggage security was not changed, another that you should pack battery operated items in your hold luggage:confused:

You know what? I'd bet my bottom dollar that the UK intelligence knew about this way before they imposed the airport restrictions. One article I've read said that Bush had been informed of the risk earlier this week.

Also how do you gather 21 suspects of a sophisticated plot all at one time?
They must have been monitoring the suspects for an extended period of time to widen the net as much as they could and get as much data as possible.

I bet they only moved in when they were confident that everyone involved had been tagged.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:54
Jan 29, 2003
Lyndseyd said:
Big boys eh? ha Don't think i would complaing either :) My boyfriend has said for a while there will be civil war in starting to think he may be right, he also says religions is the cause of all war. Yes he is very controversial, but speak some truth ...i don't tell him of course :)
Oh yea, I remember when Iraq invaded Kuait because they had better mosques.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Feb 8, 2002
Lyndseyd said:
he also says religions is the cause of all war

Religion is simply used to cover up that the real cause is money and power.
As it has always been and always will.
Believe me, the top leaders of so-called religious terrorist organisation don't give a damn 'bout religion.
If they would, they would be breaking all their own religious rules :D

Frightening though that they are able to frighten us us, innocent bystanders.
That's one of their tactics, psychological war fare, hence economical war fare (a lot of people will cancel their flights scheduled for the oncoming weeks) hence chaos.

Best to keep confidence in yourself and in thy neighbour, and preventing poltics from wasting money on yet more CCTV's, yet more legislation on personal data review and identification and yet more control.
That only feeds fear and won't help to win "war against terrorism".
Those terrorist leaders are too smart anyway to get them caught on CCTV, doing the M5 on a lazy sunday afternoon ;)
Which makes you wonder, assuming that the blokes they caught today are actually terrorists.
Or, even worse, that they were intended to get caught as a decoy and / or as a means to nourish feelings of fear...



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:54
Jun 2, 2002
RV said:
Or, even worse, that they were intended to get caught as a decoy and / or as a means to nourish feelings of fear...

I think there are times when skepticism is not appropriate.

There is compelling evidence that this threat was real.

3 obvious ones to start with:

1) The methods of explosive were highly sophisticated. Sophistication is spared for the real plans not decoys.
2) The suspects had obviously been given the green light once they discovered arrests were being made in Pakistan. Why would they accelerate their plans if they were stringing the police along?
3) Certain male British muslims have murdered people before. It's completely plausible that these individuals were in the same mind-set.
4) I'll add a 4th - there have been past incidences where the British police have made errors of judgement in their tackling of suspected terrorists. They have admitted this each and every time. What makes you think they are not being sincere now?


Nothing like trying to panic the public into accepting draconian measures because of the "terroist threat" eh:rolleyes:
Anybody would think we were Americans


What's this button do?
Local time
Today, 20:24
Aug 2, 2006
My wife heard on the news that the US rushed UK into making the arrests... they were planning to hold off a bit longer to make sure they had all of the suspects.

On a side note... friends of ours went to Disneyland shortly after 11/9 (day THEN month! backwards Americans!) :p
They had been planning the trip for some time of course. Thought about cancelling but decided not to. Apparently they had really short lines for all the rides! :D


Something in here
Local time
Today, 03:54
Apr 6, 2004
I heard this from an Australian source also - though I have not heard this here.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:54
Feb 22, 2002
Rich said:
Patience is not a word in the American language
I note that your link is quoting from NBC. So bear in mind that being an American news quote it will glorify the US involvement and give the impression the US is running the show.

I feel that if the British didn't think the time was right then they wouldn't be pressured into doing anything by a glory seeking US department.

Also bear in mind that the US is narked because the spotlight is on the UK not the USA.:rolleyes:


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