dt01pqt said:Always do an invoice with a unique invoice number. Therefore when you go to do your books you can put it in and if you client or the taxman wants to know about something you can find it easily.
Bee said:Good idea. I am creating a work invoice database that shows all the hours worked, but I am stuck with how to link the tables company, invoice, and timesheet.
Company table is for storing company name, address...etc
Timesheet table for storing day, shiftStart, shiftFinish, date.
Invoice for storing invoiceNo, dateSent, Cost, datePaid...etc.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
Yes. In day field on timesheet tbl, there will be the day they worked (e.g. Mon..etc)dt01pqt said:With a single company you will have one to many relationship with time sheet entries and invoices.
I'm not quite sure of your system though. How many time sheet entries per invoice? Are you trying to put the hours you/they worked on a specific job?
Yeh but an invoice is usually for a specific job or product coming in or out of the company. If can just be declared as your workers wages you still need to record it but it isn't about invoices you just have a payroll, and payslips otherwise you are creating unnecessary work for yourself. Apologies if I'm not getting it but I need to know what is going to be on the invoices, be specific.Bee said:Yes. In day field on timesheet tbl, there will be the day they worked (e.g. Mon..etc)
I am wanting to list the hours a worker does and multiply them by their rate. On the invoice, it should show like this:
Day Shift Start Shift Finished
Mon 9:00 17:00
Tue 10:00 13:00
You are right.dt01pqt said:Yeh but an invoice is usually for a specific job or product coming in or out of the company. If can just be declared as your workers wages you still need to record it but it isn't about invoices you just have a payroll, and payslips otherwise you are creating unnecessary work for yourself. Apologies if I'm not getting it but I need to know what is going to be on the invoices, be specific.
Bee said:I have another question concerning invoices. Is it necessary to include your tax date/number in the invoice sheet?
Tell that to carphone warehouse/O2. Knowing that they sold me the package because I wanted to claim the remissions available after the 4th, 8th and 12th invoice to arrive they cheekily put invoice # 5 on the 4th to arrive. So the invoice I received so far are 1,2,3 and 5.RV said:What is quite common though is that your invoice number need to be gapless and sequential.
I know of no law that states that you need and invoice number at all
Can you send invoices if you are not registered with the tax man yet? If so, will you get into any trouble?RV said:It's legally required in European countries.
Bee said:Can you send invoices if you are not registered with the tax man yet? If so, will you get into any trouble?
there's no straight forward answer.
It depends.
Contact your local tax authorities and ask.
RV said:Bee said:Can you send invoices if you are not registered with the tax man yet? If so, will you get into any trouble?
That's right.Bee,
there's no straight forward answer.
It depends.
Contact your local tax authorities and ask.