Microsoft Access Video Tutorials

Added another 3 videos today. We are up to 11!
Just added another 4 videos. :)
Added another 4 more videos today - 19 now.
I appreciate the videos and the new organization of the page makes it faster to find what I'm looking for. The forms section might benefit from sub-sections...though maybe not, I tend to organize to the breaking point, lol. Thanks again!
Thanks for the suggestion Megan. Maybe I will create subsections as the quantity of videos grow. I am curious if anyone is finding them useful or are they just a bit too basic?
Some of the videos are too basic for me, though I just checked out the autoexec macro video and I hadn't known that a macro like that could be done, very good to know!

I'm also learning a thing or two about creating instructional videos from watching yours. I don't feel knowledgeable enough at this point to create them for this community, though I'd like to create one for my clients regarding the database I'm making for them.

Please keep yours coming!
Three more videos added.

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