@KitaYama I have a cell phone because it has become a necessity. Up until about 20 years ago, there was a pay phone in every business and practically one on every street corner. The cell phone has killed the pay phone making it a practical necessity for everyone to have a cell phone in case they need to make a call when away from home. I got one back when everyone was getting them because I had a long commute and spent a lot of time travelling and had had a few occasions where I broke down or had an accident. So, it is a means of summing help. And I've used it to call AAA (the auto club) if I got a flat tire and needed roadside assistance. For that type of thing, the cell phone is a life saver. But I don't want to be tethered to it. My grandchildren carry them around so that they are always in the same room with them. They aren't as bad as some people who never let go. At least they aren't constantly checking the phone when we are talking. I've been in restaurants where there were four people at a table and all four were immersed in their cell phones and not interacting with the people around them. This is truly a sickness that has been foisted on us by Big Tech. That leads me to social media. You are correct, this website is my only social media. I don't use FB (permanently banned but that's another story

), or anything else. They are time suckers. Every time I look at a video on YouTube, I end up looking at 3 more and have wasted an hour minimum. This is the total raison d'état (French phrase) of social media applications. They do everything they can to suck you in and keep you there and YouTube is a master at it. Do you know that the people behind social media, the Silicon Valley (California area) tech moguls send their children to private schools and the schools do not allow cell phones or other high tech devices? They don't let their children get hooked but they sure want to hook ours and have pretty much succeeded.
The no financial transactions is my way of rebelling (and attempting to keep my finances from being hacked). I do not like the way the world is moving away from actual money. You are OK with this. Most people are. But being a programmer gives you at least some knowledge of what they are doing so I don't actually know many programmers who have handed over their life to a phone no matter how convenient it would be. Every piece of software you interact with wants to collect data from you so they can sell it. Anything that is "free" means that YOU are the product. They are giving you something for "free" so they can collect your data and sell it. You say you have nothing to hide. I don't either. Most honest people don't. But I still don't want to be tracked every minute of every day. It makes me feel like I am living in 1984. This book was required reading in high school in the 1960's. I don't think it still is because my grandchildren never read it. I should have made them read it so they can see what is going on around them. Freedom is a precious thing and the younger generation has no clue what communism is all about and how close we are to the point of no return.
Not giving my cell phone to people keeps them from calling me on it. It isn't that I don't want to talk to them. It is because I don't want to have to carry my phone from room to room. My close friends and family all have it. But if I'm home they can reach me any time or leave a message and I'll call them back. They also know that in an emergency they can try my cell but I won't check the messages. I went to join truth social recently but they insisted on getting my cell phone so I didn't join. I never give my cell phone to businesses. That is just a license to suffocate you with ads from them and everyone they sell your contact info to.
I get enough junk email. I absolutely don't want the junk cell phone calls and texts. At least we have a "do not call" registry for "land lines". That keeps the junk to a minimum. The problem is that if you have ever done business with one of these pests, they get the right to ignore your "do not call" request. My husband was a sucker for the "police" and "fire department" and "veterans" people and generally gave them small amounts of money. I finally looked up these "charities" and the intended recipients never got more than 5% of the money donated so I finally got him to stop. These "charities" are nothing but scams.
Never forget how the Canadian government froze all financial accounts of the protesting truckers. They literally couldn't eat unless someone gave them cash. That was the plan to break the strike and it succeeded because it not only affected the truckers, it also affected their families who also couldn't eat once they ran out of cash. Yes, it is very convenient to not have to carry cash. That is also a way to get people to overspend. I'm not sure what the actual number is today but I think the average American is carrying $10,000 in credit card debt at 25% (or higher) interest per month. There are other reasons then the convenience of using credit cards for that but if you don't pay your cards off every month, you are spending yourself into oblivion. The current credit card rates are considered usury and are banned in most states. Because we are a country of 50 states, different states have different rules and so all the credit card companies have moved their "headquarters" to South Dakota where these usurious rates are allowed. So there are buildings in South Dakota and Delaware (another state with favorable incorporation rules for companies) that house thousands of "headquarters".
I know how all this sounds. If I sound paranoid, maybe I am but maybe I'm right and I hope you will at least think about what I and some of the others have said. I don't know any way to protect myself or my family from the people out there who are trying to control our every thought but I will not go down without a fight. I have friends who have fled Communism and Socialism and understand the hell they lived in and why they had to leave and now we are so close to a tipping point that it is hard to see a way back if we go over.