Mouse Scrolling through Form (1 Viewer)



Ok, I've looked everywhere for an answer to this question.

Currently, when you use the roller on the mouse, it scrolls through the reccords in your form. This creates all sorts of problems.

I've tried record locking, I've tried changing the tab cycle... I've gotten the latest windows patches/updates, which I assumed was going to add an event called "mouse_wheel" that I could cancel = true and ta da! No more scrolling. Not so. This is driving my users insane, and consequently, I'm going a little batty myself.

Does anyone have any idea what to do about this?

Thank you sooooooo much for any help you can give.



Thanks a bunch!!

I'll try this, though it's a little complicated for me...

This is the only solution I've found so far. Let's hope it works!

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