Movie Database.... growing... (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:43
Sep 10, 2002
Greetings!! This is a general question to all.

My movie database is just over 270MB. I have some very basic info on about 1000+ titles -- title, tape#, position on tape, genre, and (this is probably the kicker) an object column to hold a small jpg of the movie cover, and a memo field to hold a brief synopsis of the movie.

I used an object column so that I can get some nice looking "reports" of my movie collection -- just a multi-column report sporting each movie cover, which tape its on, etc. I'm not sure if I could print off the covers when using links to the jpg files.

In any case, I am concerned that this will grow over time to something that is too big to fit on a CD or cause my laptop to choke every time I want to add a new movie or do some work on the database in general.

Any thoughts? This 270MB size IS the compacted and repaired size. I have quite a few queries, a handful of reports, and only 10 tables at most -- the main movie collection table contains all 1000+ titles, while the other tables include stuff like tape numbers, scheduled recordings, etc.

If anyone has a suggestion for how I can split this database up into more managable chunks, or shrink it down, or anything, please post!! Thanks in advance. I hope to hear from you.



SuperNintendo Chalmers
Local time
Today, 03:43
Mar 8, 2002
are you duplicating a lot of data? Or are they more along the lines of lookup tables? Or does it not lean toward that way of design?


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:43
Sep 10, 2002
Nope. There isn't any duplication of data. There is a duplication in structure though, and data moves from one table to another (usually from the scheduled recordings to the current collection, for example.)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:43
Feb 25, 2002
You should remove the object field holding the photo and just store the name of the photo. Download the attachment I made in this thread to see how you link your images into your reports without storing them in the database

When you delete your object column the database won't automatically get smaller, you have to create a new blank database and import all your tables, reports etc


hey, would u mind posting how your db is setup? im trying to put together a db of my movies but cant figure the actors/directors portion.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:43
Sep 10, 2002
Wow... 4 years later... ;)

... and my movie database question generates another reply post! :D

My movie database is not very complex really. Every record has a set of columns that match very closely to the info at Specifically, the "Cast" column is of type Memo so that it can accomodate a short and LONG list of actors if they are listed in the movie entry. And Directors was just a Text field of up to 100 characters. I figured at most there would be maybe two or three directors, if that.

On top of that, I have fields to include which sleeve the DVD resides in, because I don't use regular cases (just saves a TON of space at home), and a few other designation fields to make for easy browsing (assigning colors to certain types of movies so that the sleeve label is marked accordingly, and makes it easy to search for a random comedy or something).

Geeky, I know, but effective. :)

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